Two Open Windows. Steam City. Night.

27 1 1

spider, spider, gather your corners

come and milk my house dry

keep fly fly out of my soup eye

oil from long wicks curl like ends of eyelashes that peer from curtain back

in the shelf of rooms beyond the opera house

oil from lamps

and steam rising from teapots resting on coals

spider, spider

where are your houses

your months of august and september

your sunrise of mothy webs

the one lonely engineer leans too long outside his window,

his pipe cupping

his hand cupping

his feet banging against the side of brick

a tattoo, tatto

and his love marking time as she codes and recodes

a dash of algebra, a pinch of geometery,

fingers and pencils like tiger tails

back and forth

back and forth


come to my house

and take the corners and under the beds

your children

will travel the length and depth of my house

in my lifetime

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Aug 29, 2012 ⏰

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