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  I would like to thank all of my lovely readers for making this editorial reach the milestone of 50,000 views!  I never imagined in a million years that when I started writing this over two years ago that I would even get close to this amount of viewership.  I knew maybe at least a hundred people if I were lucky would check it out and enjoy it for what it was.  In my head at the time, I really did not see myself as any type of expert writer or someone others would pay attention to.  Seeing this milestone happen is just a huge shock to me, even now!

  As a reward to all of you, I am going to create something special.  There is going to be another editorial focusing on another literary genre.  Only this time, you guys get to decide what I will be covering.  Please tell me in the comments what genre you want me to focus my attention on the most and whichever one receives the most votes will ultimately be featured.

  With this reward, I am also going to continue doing the horror cliché editorial and maybe revive a few of my dead stories.  50,000 views is a big deal, so I am going to make sure to say thanks in the best way possible.

One Hundred Fantasy Clichés That Really Need To Rest In Peace  Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt