POV Rylie
I was sitting in the car waiting for my dad. 5 minutes later he walks out holding a box he put it in the back seat. I looked at my dad as he got in the car he asked "existed for a bigger family?" I shook my head "not really, the boys hate me and it's stupid I didn't get a choice in this!" I yelled a little. My dad hit my hand a little making me stop and look at him. He glances at me saying "You better knock it off" all i did was nodded.My dad was strict he only wanted me to have a good life. He said "Bud I'm sorry but I love her and I married her and now you will have older stepbrothers who don't hate you they just don't know you." I nodded "I know and I'm sorry if your happy than I'm happy" I say shyly. I wasn't really a talking person if you saw me you would think I'm confident. But I'm not I'm insecure person who hates talking and having attention on me. When we got to the house I stepped out of the car and I was greeted by a big dog jumping up on me knocking me down.
I screamed and my dad rushed over to me. But Craig the oldest stepbrother got to me first he got the dog away from me. And picked me up. He said "You're okay. It's just Kevin he doesn't bit" I fixed my hair and my hat "mhm" my dad put his hand on Craig "Thanks" he nodded and then Craig said "Would you like help with the rest of the boxes?" My dad nodded. I grabbed my backpack in the front seat. We only had a few boxes a lot of them were already here.
I followed Craig inside the house and I was greeted by Blake. Blake put me in a headlock and I yelled "Ow! No!" I squirmed a lot yelling. Liam walked down and said "cant you give him at least a hour before you scare him or hurt him" Blake shook his head and threw me to the ground. I whined a little. All three of them laughed. My dad walked in and kicked me in the side a little "Get up" I got up and rubbed my head. My dad said "Boys can you show Rylie his room please?" They nodded and brought me to my new room where Zack was sitting on my bed. I just stared at him. Zack got up "it's not nice to stare rylie" I rolled my eyes and walked in my room putting my backpack on my bed which had my stuffie, book, earbuds, charger, and some clothing. Zack grabbed my bag.
I panicked a little "g-give me that back now!" I yelled but having a stutter. Zack ignored me. I got on my bed to reach it but he was to high up. I whined while giving up. All of the boys laughed Craig said "What's in there that is so important?" I mumbled "nothing..." he said upset. Liam saw it he was upset "maybe give it back to him?" He asked Zack said "Ish little Laim going soft" he says in a baby voice laim shook his head. Zack said "good now let's see what the brat has in here making him so upset" he opened it and I lost it I started tearing quietly no one heard me. I am sensitive I can cry over little things. He pulled out the clothing showing the llams stuffie. He laughed and pulled it out showing it to the other guys they laughed. Zack said "Awe de baby has a stuffie" I hugged my knees about to scream or cry out loud. I was so embarrassed.
My dad called everyone down right before I screamed. Zack dropped everything and left with the other boys. I sat there and I went to my stuffed llama i called max it was a lame name for a llama though. A few minutes later his dad yell "Rylie get down here now!" I said in a shaky voice "in a minute.."
My dad didn't like that. He went upstairs to my room he opened the door and said "Rylie I said!-...now.." he saw me sitting on the floor hugging max tight to me crying. My dad got down to me and hugged me "what happened bud?" He asked worried. No parent likes to see their child crying. I said in a shaky voice "They...they found max...and made fun of me..." my dad sighed and picked me up "Buddy they would have found him sooner or lat-" I interrupted "Later! I wanted it later"
My dad didn't like that the boys were doing this he rubbed my back and said "I'm sorry the first day isn't the best...but we wanted to go out to dinner for the first night...but I need to talk to kylie" I nodded and my dad left. I was alone in a room I didn't know. In the dark. It was late. I was getting tired but I was scared to sleep. But I fell asleep...

Fanfictionrylie's father just got married to his new step mom and now has to live with FOUR older stepbrothers ugh whyyyyyyy.