XLI. Family Tree

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"What do you think will happen next?" Valerie asked her twin.

Violet sighed and shrugged. "We now know how Gramp ended aboveground, but if you ask me what would happen next, I can only tell you that Gram ended up here as well. How or why, I do not know."

"Something must have happened. Something the Trilbys did."

"We'll know what's next soon."

Valerie rolled her eyes. "Next vacation, yes."

Violet smiled contentedly. "Emma did get her happy ending after all. I was so freaking afraid."

Valerie turned to her sister. "There is still the Trilbys. Don't get your hopes too high." Violet threw her sister a stingy look. Valerie sighed. "They could have all perished."

"Shut it, Val!"


Silence lingered for a few moments.

"And Gram could have been the only one who survived. She went aboveground to be with Gramp."

"Shut it!" Violet hissed. "Gramp promised to tell us the rest of the story the next time we go for a visit. So, for now, shut it."

"I'm just trying to think of the possibilities. The Trilbys were bound to do more."

"Oh, I'm sure they did more evil stuff, but I have so much hope for how things will turn out for the others."

"How come?"

Violet snorted and smiled. "Val, we are the living proof the Everards survived."


"How have you been?" Ralph asked as he handed Samuel a glass of brandy.

Samuel shrugged, stretching his leg. "Quite okay, thank you."

His friend stared at his leg. "Has it fully recovered?"

Ralph chuckled with a shake of his head. And before silence could reign in the room, he took a more serious tone with his next statement. "By the by, I am quite certain you have read about the emergence of the rebels."

"Re-emergence," corrected Samuel. "They had been around for ages, I believe. Why?"

Ralph was fixing him a quizzical look. "You do not associate yourself with them, do you?"

"Why would I?"

His friend's eyes narrowed at him. "Because I know you, Sam. You would not hesitate to do so if you believe it is the right course of action. I am warning you as your friend not to be in touch or associate yourself with them. Their cause is not to make a difference in the Town. Their mission is to destroy it."

Samuel smiled. "Then you must feel relieved I did not turn out to be your brother-in-law."

"You bastard, this is no laughing matter."

"It is not, so let us leave the rebels be."

"How can I when I am a Guard?"

"Ah, yes, of course." He looked around Ralph's study. "Should we play chess?"

"We are leaving in two hours, but I can spare the time," his friend said, walking over to the chess table. Samuel followed and settled opposite Ralph.

The door to the study burst open and Ysabella rushed in but came to a halt when she saw Samuel.

"Sam!" she cried, walking over to offer her hand which he took to plant a welcoming kiss.

"Hello, Ysa," he greeted before facing the chess table once again.

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