Summary: A month after you and Henry begin dating, Carol and Ezekiel come to Hilltop for a surprise visit.
Word Count: 800
Warnings: None
Request: i have a henry x reader request if you're up for it. reader lives at hilltop and quickly connects w henry and they start dating. after idk maybe a month carol and ezekiel have a surprise visit to hilltop bc they miss their son and see henry and reader being all lovey lol. you can choose how it ends. thanks!!
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It had only been a month since Carol had dropped Henry off at Hilltop to be an apprentice. It was a tough decision for her and Ezekiel to make but they knew it was for the best. Without him around all the time it was quiet and carol and Ezekiel began to miss their son dearly.
Ezekiel thought it would be nice to surprise Henry with a visit. He and Carol would be leaving early the next day to Hilltop.
In the morning they loaded their cart with supplies and were off. The trip was short compared to Henry and Carol's, especially since they had an unexpected setback with the saviors. Luckily, this time the trip went smoothly and they were now approaching the gates of Hilltop.
Meanwhile inside the walls of Hilltop, dinner has just started and everyone gathers around. You find an empty table and motion Henry over. His hand are full as he makes his way to you, carrying both yours and his dinner. He hands you a bowl of stew and takes a seat next to you.
Both of you begin to eat your food, hungry after a long day of working hard. In between bites, you tell him silly jokes that you once read in a book and make him laugh like crazy. In return he tickles you, sending you into a laughing fit.
Calming down, you lean your frame against Henry and he takes your hand in his under the table. Your meals are now forgotten as you and Henry get absorbed into conversation.
From afar, Carol and Ezekiel watch you two. They had been so excited and anxious to see their son after being welcomed into Hilltop that they didn't even bother to unload their belongings as they hurried off in search of him. They watched the two of you now, whispering in each others ears and cuddling in each others arms.
Hand in hand and smiling, they begin moving towards you both.
"Henry, my son," Ezekiel calls out to Henry as he and Carol approach your table. Henry looks up in surprise. A bright smile stretches across his face as he notices his parents standing in front of him.
Henry lets go of your hand and stands from his seat, springing to them and embracing them in a tight hug. "Mom, Dad, what are you doing here?" He asks, pulling away and releasing his hold on them.
"We can't come visit our son?" Carol asks jokingly, smiling at Henry.
"No- I mean yes, of course you can. I just wasn't expecting you is all," Henry assured, flustered and face turning red.
You giggled at his state, finding it funny how he acted around his parents, that is until they turned to you. You immediately quieted down, feeling small under their stare.
Noticing your discomfort, Henry breaks the silence by introducing you,"This is Y/N, we're dating."
Ezekiel smiled, "That's wonderful! It's a pleasure to meet you, Y/N."
"You too," You spoke, lips curling up into a smile. Carol and Ezekiel smiled at you in return.
Henry returned to his seat next to you and motioned for his parents to sit down. They took a seat across from you and Henry.
You all began to talk about Henry's first month at Hilltop you even got to hear some embarrassing stories about Henry from Carol that caused you to laugh like a lunatic. You got along great with Carol and Ezekiel, finding it easy to have a conversation with them.
From beside you Henry reached for your hand and took it in his own. The gesture didn't go unnoticed by Carol and her heart warmed at the thought of her son finding love in the apocalypse. She wrapped her arm around Ezekiel, leaning into his side and Ezekiel pulled her close.
When it came time for Carol and Ezekiel to leave a few days later, you and Henry assisted them in loading up their cart and making sure they had everything they needed for their trip back to the Kingdom.
As Henry finished loading the cart, Carol and Ezekiel pulled you aside to say goodbye.
"Take care of our boy, please," Carol whispered, wrapping her arms around you in a hug. You hug her back in response, pulling away only when she does.
"I will," You promised, searching her face and seeing how truly worried she was to leave him. "I love him and I'll take good care of him."
On their journey back, Carol and Ezekiel talk about you and Henry. They're faces are beaming with delight as they discuss how happy Henry looked sitting next to you and how comfortable he was with you around
"Y/N's good for our boy," Ezekiel announced. Carol hummed in agreement, happy for her son.