Sorry for the super long wait for this chapter. I started high school last week and I've been focused on settling in, so yeah. Please vote and comment. I'd love to actually hear opinions!
My mom was yelling at me for some random shit I did this time, shocker. Then suddenly out of nowhere all of my family members are dead and surrounding me. I hear whispers saying "it's your fault they're dead. We're coming for you."
I wake up screaming. Next thing I know Seth is beside me. He pulls me into a hug and starts stroking my hair. I only then realized that i was crying. I lay down and he lays down beside me.
"It was just a dream," he says into the back of my hair.
"It's my fault," I whisper in between sniffs.
"Shh. It's none of our faults," he says. It really is my fault, he just doesn't know that. I silently promise myself to tell him what I did soon.
I close my eyes but I can't seem to go back to sleep. I lay there with Seth holding me in his arms until I hear Seth's quiet snoring. Then I slowly drift off into a restless sleep. I don't have anymore stupid dreams, but it's safe to say I'll be sleeping with one eye open for a long time.
I woke up the next morning in Seth's arms. I was so hot! Why do boys produce so much body heat? It's fucking disgusting! I get up a few minutes later and pull on my dad's old shirt that was just laying on my floor for some reason. I bet my mom mixed up Chris and dad's clothes again. I walk out into the kitchen and start making breakfast for myself. Partly because I'm lazy, partly because I find my brothers to picky.
"Hey," I hear a voice behind me and jumped. I turned around and saw Seth.
"Oh, hey," I say, "sorry for waking you up at night."
"It's okay," he says, "I understand how hard this can be for the weaker sex."
"Weaker?" I say, "You wanna bet about that asshole?"
"See, I would, but I know you can kick my ass, so..." He says.
"Remember that," I say and smile.
"I meant emotionally," he says.
"I know," I say, "I just wanted to see if you would take the bait." He smiles. Just then Rob, Jack and Marcus stick there heads in the door way.
"Anybody home?" Rob says.
"You know guys, there is this thing called a door bell. It's this magical device that makes a noise inside a house when you press it, alerting someone of your arrival. You should try it sometime," I say sarcastically.
"*Cough* bitch *Cough*" Rob says and smiles. I stuck my tongue out at him as he puts my bag I left at his house on the table.
"Thanks," I say cheerily. I start digging through it until I find a tank top to wear.
"Don't look," I say as I turn around, to lazy to go to the bathroom. When I turn around I see four pairs of eyes looking at me.
"What part of 'don't look' don't you understand?" I say rolling my eyes.
"You're my sister, I've seen you topless countless times," Seth says.
"Lucky bastard," Rob says.
"Eww," I whine.
"It's not the first time we found ourselves in this position Clary," Rob says.
"Go fuck yourself," I say and turn back to the food I was preparing.
"I might have to after what I just saw," He says and Marcus gives him a warning look.
"You're a sick asshole, you know that?" I say not turning around to face him.
"Yeah, but you're friends with me anyway," he says. I roll my eyes.
"I'm friends with you because your girlfriend is one of my best friend, Amanda," I say waving a spatula at him.
"Whatever," he says. I smile in victory.
"So," Jack says changing the subject, "Do the police know anything about the killers yet?" I turn off the stove and leave the room.
"Is it something I said?" Jack says.
"Try all of it," Marcus says coldly before following me out to the living room. I sat down on the couch and looked up at him.
"How are you feeling?" He asks a dumb question.
"My parents just died," I say bluntly.
"Sorry," he says and sits down beside me, "Dumb question."
"Don't worry about Jack, he's an insensitive asshole," He says.
"I know," I say and smile a little. Then I felt a cramp in my stomach and something crawling up my throat. Shit. Right now? I jump up and rush to the bathroom. Rob shows up in the door way in front of Marcus.
"Wow, you really can't hold your liquor," he says laughing.
"Fuck *puke* you," I manage to say. Marcus smiles and comes up behind me to rub my back and hold my hair.
*Marcus' POV*
How does she still manage to look so hot while throwing up? I swear, if she hadn't been a virgin then I would've taken her that night. I want, no, I need her. I need to feel her. But I have to respect her virtue. I'm not going to be the ass who fucks her and leaves her. I dare to say I love her.

The Beast within the Beauty
ActionSo, what happens when an "innocent" and "happy" girl's life turns upside down when people begin to uncover her secrets? Blood will be spilled over her dangerous secrets and she will soon realize that she must admit to herself and everyone that she i...