Cliche - with Nestor

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My hands grip his broad shoulders as I roll my hips back and forth waves of pleasure taking over me.

His fingers digging into the soft flesh of my hips as my rhythm increases bringing me closer to my orgasm.

My thighs trembling I throw my head back a deep satisfying moan escaping my lips as my orgasm overtakes me, my whole body trembling as he looks up at me.

Wrapping his arms around my back, he manoeuvres me in one move to under him, one hand now holding my hip the other supporting him over me as he thrusts deeply inside me. His moans increasing as my fingers dig into his shoulders.

I feel his body tense as he thrusts and an animal like groan escapes him, his fingers digging into my flesh and gripping the sheets.

Our bodies glistening in sweat, he gently releases me and slides out from between my thighs. Relaxing I feel my eyes closing as I stretch. I haven't felt this good in a long time.

I hear a phone vibrating sitting up both my lover and I look around, realising that it's mine I slip out of the bed and pad over to my bag fishing my phone out.

"Hello?" I quickly answer

"Hey Ava I know it's really late but I need you to go down to San Diego now, Mr. Lithgow was picked up by the local PD and needs his lawyer" My assistant Layla tells me

"Okay I will be there in an hour, text me the details" I say my eyes scanning the room for my clothes

Hanging up I quickly collect my clothes "sorry, I've got to go, work emergency" I tell the handsome stranger whose name I had forgotten

Heading into the bathroom I quickly clean myself up and get dressed, when I exit I'm surprised to see the room empty.

Looking around I spot a note on the bed "the room is paid for until tomorrow, I had a work thing too"

Sighing I drop the note in the bin and grab my shoes and purse, heading out to my car I quickly punch in the address Layla texted me and pull out of the hotel parking lot.

Eight weeks later

Turning the test over in my hands I see the two solid pink lines staring back at me

"Shit" I mutter as tears stream down my face, my hands shaking. The pregnancy test clatters to the floor.

Picking it up I toss it in my handbag and steady my breathing, standing up I head out of the bathroom stall, stopping in my tracks as I see my colleague Emily washing her hands at the sink.

Catching my eye in the mirror "are you okay?" She asks softly

"Not really" I reply joining her, after washing my hands I try to fix my tear stained face but my hands won't stop shaking.

Handing me a stack of paper towels "come on, let's go get you some tea" she says as she guides me out of the bathrooms.

We walk in silence for two blocks before arriving at a coffee shop that none of the other lawyers frequent.

Emily guides me to a table in the back corner before heading to the counter. She joins me a few minutes later.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asks her voice reassuring "no pressure or judgement"

Taking a deep breathe I look around the coffee shop "you're going to think I'm a terrible person" I mutter

"I don't think that's possible" she says squeezing my hand

"Two months ago I picked up a stranger in a bar and had a one night stand, we used protection and I'm on birth control but apparently that didn't work" I tell her

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