Episode: 1

49 3 4

You were sleeping peacefully until your phone rings...

You: Aish,it must be Momo,you mumbled.

Momo: "Y/N? Are you still sleeping?"

You: "Yeah,yeah,,"(yawn)
Momo:" Get ready."

You :"For what?" You asked.

Momo:"I've told you before,on Chaeyoung's birthday party",she said.

You:"Oh,yeah.My so called Fangirl",you yelled.

Momo:"Aish,don't yell at her.I still don't understand how you became so popular.Even everybody in our college knows you very well though you have only come here 2 days ago",she smiled.

You: "Your'e right.I didn't even admitted there."

Momo: "ok,ok,now get ready,I'm going to pick you up at 4 pm,,understood?"

You: "Yes sir,but what about mom?" You asked.

Momo: "Don't worry,I'll handle her,Bye."
The call ended.

You got ready and went downstairs and your mom was making breakfast.

Mom:"Good morning Y/N ah.How was your new room?"

You: "Better than the previous one",you started eating.
"Mom,why we have to tranfer from cities to cities so much?",you asked.

Mom: "Because your father always gets transfer",she smiled and took a seat beside you.

You: "Mom,it's been 3 days I haven't gone outside,can I go?,"you looked at her and pout.

Mom: "What are you saying? Do you know what will happen if your dad come to know this?",your mom curled her brows.
You are so sad hearing her answer.

You: "By the way, where is dad?"

Mom:"He has gone to Boston for an urgent work."
Your eyes widened,they are shining like stars.

You:" Really?.."surprising reaction.

Mom:" what are you thinking now?"

You: "Bye,.. I'm going outside",you ran to your room and took your diary and sketch book.

Mom: "Where?At first finish your breakfa."..
You got out of her sight.

In the Park:

You are so happy.You feel like your'e out of a cage and now flying in the sky.You are sitting in the grass and drawing the beautiful river....

You: "It's so amazing,I wish I could be here forever..".....

You were doing painting concentrately until you felt a shadow behind you which is lookoing at you,you looked behind and saw a boy same to your age who was looking at your sketch book attentively.

You: "Hello??",you bowed your hands in front of him.(his eyes were on my sketch)."May I know who are you?"

???: "Are you new here?",he smirked.

You: "Yes".,you saw he had a dog in his hand."Is it your pet?",you asked and began to adore the cute puppy.

???: "Yes.His name is Yeontan."

You:" And your's?"

???: "I'm kim Tae Hyung,"again he smirked.
"May I know who are you?"

You:" Oh yeah,My name is Y/F/N.My mother's name is.....,my father's name is......,my grandma's name.....,my grandpa's name".....,,,(you are too ravy).

Wihout any reason Taehyung snatched your sketch book.

You: "Hey,have you gone crazy? Don't you know manners how to behave with a stranger?,"you got angry.

Taehyung: stranger? Who? You?you are not a stranger to me.Your name is......, your mother's name.....,your father's name....,your grandma's name......, name.....,,,am I right?,again he smirked.

You are speechless...

You:Arghhh..if your'e not giving it back...mmmm.(thinking)..I'll take away your lovely Yeontan,you grabbed Yeontan as he was near your legs(licking).

Don't you want your yeontan back?,you smirked fakely.

Taehyung:Do whatever you want but I'm not going to give it back,again he is smirking.
He is trying to escape from here and you are chasing him by running behind but unfortunately you slipped over a stone and fall on his back(lying on the grass).

Taehyung:Hey,why are you on my back?,(fake cry)

You: It think you know it better than me,I sign.

Taehyung: Aaaah(fake cry)... Do you want to die or what?

You: Do you think you can do anything to me?,you grabbed him more tightly that he can't escape.

Taehyung: I think it'll be easy for me,he mumbled himself.

Suddenly he flipped and turned over and I fell down from his back and now he's on top of me.

Hehehe,Taehyung's smirking.

Taehyung: You think yourself too smart,Huh?

You:Aish give me back,your face is getting red.

Taehyung: Don't follow me.I'm not giving it back.Understood?

He imposed Yeontan on my face and went away out of my sight showing me his box smile.

Your P.O. V.

What on earth is happening? Today I have to wake up early in the morning (11am) because of Momo.My sketch book...Aish,that jerk snatched away, Elephants are running in my tummy(because I didn't take my breakfast today)...... And now I'm sitting in the grass like a fool.The dog named Yeontan is licking my pants.....Ahaaaa( fake cry)........

(It's just the begining

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(It's just the begining...)

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