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In the beginning of time, there was two forces that changed everything, Tenebris and Lux. These two beings cannot exist without the other, for if one of them is gone then all will perish. With the passing of years these beings became lonely, so they started to experiment by creating lesser beings. On and on they created a diversity of species we now know as werewolves, vampires, fae, witches/warlocks, demons and angels. The werewolves, witches and angels were created by Lux, whereas the vampires, fae, and the demons where created by the force of darkness, Tenebris. The first group was named the Lumens, and the second one was named  Nigrums.
      Tenebris and lux were always fighting ,for it is in their nature, but one day something happened and the result was a new being, this new being was stronger than anything that has ever been created , maybe even stronger than the creators themselves. When this creature was born, a faction of the lesser beings became jealous of its power, thus decided to terminate this threat to preserve their pathetic power, and that what happened or so they thought.

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