As I pulled into the driveway I was greeted by a tall man with cowboy boots and a hat. I parked my truck and walked towards him. Hearing him say "Howdy ma'am" was like music to my ears, his voice was angelic, like the heavens sent me light during the darkest of nights. "Hi sir, im Lauren whats your name."He chuckled than replied "Im Joey, we might want to unload your horse and get you settled in." We unloaded buddy than Joey took me inside to meet his dad, John, than he showed me to my room. It wasn't like my old room, it was classic and traditional, I liked it.
I skipped dinner to think about the next day, Joey said he would start training after I was settled in. As I was lying in bed trying to sleep my mind keep wandering to my family, they would be so upset that I went to the south, but I can't let them control me forever.
I woke up to the roosters, not firetrucks, or police. I got up and took a shower in the bathroom in my room. When I was picking out my outfit I couldn't choose between the pink flannel or the blue one. I've never tried to look good for a guy before, now I feel like I need to. I slipped on my boots, put on my hat, and headed outside.
"Mornin' ma'am"
"Good morning Joey," I replied "where's the bulls?"
"Hold your horses,"Joey chuckled "you need to learn how to transition to the bull first."
"okay I will go saddle up buddy than we can get to work"
As I was saddling up Buddy, I looked back at Joey and I couldn't help but smile. He was so cute and he was a true country boy. I hopped on the horse and he got on his he was showing me how to get on the horse the right way in order to do the transition. We had a cow to help practice the transition and I fell....a lot. I would say I fell about 30 times before I stuck the landing. He said it was a good practice and we headed inside for dinner.

The Yankee
RomanceWatch the journey as a Yankee tries to move on south, than meets love, but they are forbidden from dating each other.