God I'm really tired so ima keep this boi at 1000 and something words.
Scott POVShe shot mitch! He laid lifeless on the ground while blood spilled from his chest. I kneeled next him and felt him,
He was cold already.
"Mitch c'mon! Stay with me! Please! Maze come down here!" I pleaded. My phone was upstairs so I couldn't call anyone. Candy was probably far gone by now. Mitch stirred and rolled over. "Is she gone?" He sat up. "What? Your alive? How? Are you in pain? You were cold and bleeding.." I cupped his cheeks and felt his forehead. "Why would I be in pain? And of course I'm cold I'm not human... and ya kinda gotta be cold blooded to live in hell... I came to Adam and Eve as a snake for a reason." He stood up and took off the bloody kimono. He didn't have any wounds so where did the blood come from? "You just got shot! That's supposed to hurt!" I don't know how I forgot until he told me, "I'm invincible! And not just emotionally speaking." He smiled. I wiped my tears and playfully punched him in the arm, "You asshole! I thought you were dead!" I smiled and hugged him. "Sorry.. I thought you would've figured it out.." his smiled faded. "What should we do about non- Candy?" He asked. I looked at the door, "Well first we need to find out who she really is. I'll call Avi. I know I promised you we would spend the day together but Y'know-" he held up his hand. "It's okay Detective. We'll still be together just it'll be more teasing than actual action" he licked his lips and sashayed away.
Mitch POVScott and I got ready and rode in his car to the precinct. Scott went to his office and immediately started to make phone calls and typed on his computer. It was hot in LA so I turned on his air conditioner and took off my jacket. I whispered to Scott that I was leaving and he didn't even look at me, instead he just waved his hand at me.
I hate it when he gets like this. He barley gives me attention and when I get it the hard way something always goes wrong! I Walked into the forensics lab to set Avi working with safety goggles on. He looked up at me when I came in, "oh hi Mitch! It's been a while..whatcha need?" He put down the chemicals he was working with. "Oh nothing... Scott won't bat an eye at me. So I thought I'd come and talk to my favorite hetero!" I put air quotes around hetero. "I am straight." He took off his gloves. "Never said you weren't." I smiled . "No but you were hinting that I'm not." I sauntered over to Avi and dragged a finger down his chest, "so your saying that I totally didn't catch you staring at my rear end the first time we met?" His face reddened and he liked frustrated "n-no it wasn't like that! I c-couldn't e-exactly ignore it! Actually I need to get some work done-!" He spun me around and shoved me out the door. Hmph! I'll just see if there is anyone In the break room. As I walked people would stop talking and stare at me. I started to feel uncomfortable and walked faster. I got to the break room to see one of the other detectives named Dan. He was the only other person the talked to me at the precinct. He didn't bother to notice me, just like Scott would. I was actually getting angry, so i went to the fridge, grabbed Dans pudding, sat on the counter and ate it. I finished it with out him even looking at me. He kept on reading a dumb gun magazines. What is up with human and guns? Whatever happens to using your bare hands? Or knives? Or swords? They aren't loud, and aren't pretty either...I threw the pudding in the trash. I walked back into Scott's office, maybe he needs to know how it feels. "Oh hey Mitch... where did you go?" He didn't even bother to remember how he shooed me away! I scoffed and sat in the couch and did work for the club on my phone. "You okay..?" He finally looked up at me. "Just peachy." I rolled my eyes and he frowned. When are we ever gonna go out?
Catch a bad guy, shoot people, have steak outs, like what the cool cops do in movies. "...Mitch i know this isn't the day we were supposed to have but I have to do my work...cmere, I could use a break.." he smiled and put down what he was doing. I laid down on my back on the couch. He walked over and crawled on top of me, starting to kiss my neck. "You want attention baby?" He whispered against my neck. I wanted to give in I really did, but I will not show that I'm weak or even worse easy. "Nah." I shrugged and pushed him, going to sit in his chair. "Weren't you upset cause I was ignoring you?" I crossed my arms , "oh! So you were ignoring me." His brows furrowed " Mitch please can we deal with our relationship later..?" I huffed "what ever works for you Detective." Instead of saying the word sensually like I do, I said it harshly. He walked over,picked me up and set me in his lap. I laid my head his neck and took a short nap while he finished his work. Until we were interrupted by Dan yelling from the break room." WHO ATE MY FRICKING PUDDING??!?"
I forgot to put the words in the beginning in bold but I'm too tired to change it. But ima watch shameless and cry myself to sleep. Don't forget to comment, bye lovelies!

Hello detective *on hold*
FanfictionsO um Yeah my first book....don't hurt me. The whole story is basically a scomiche version of the show Lucifer..enjoy....(I do not own the show Lucifer)