Part 20

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     Alpha Jake had to go do work again today. After saying I should come with him like he did last night he thought about it and decided to give me a bit more time to adjust. So I am once again stuck in the house with guards surrounding the whole thing. I am in the kitchen wondering if it would be okay to make myself a small lunch when I hear the front door open. "Honey, I'm home!" I freeze upon hearing my apparent mother's voice coming this way. 

     "Man I am starving, I hope you have some lunch getting made." She says coming into the kitchen taking a seat on a stool. I back up into the corner and stare at her wide-eyed. What does she want? She stares back at me like I'm dumb. "Are you going to finish making lunch or what?" At that, I immediately get back to cooking, not wanting to make her mad. 

     "So did you guys finally get me a room that's not in a cell?" After I don't answer she speaks up again. "Oh yeah, I forgot you don't talk. That's okay though I get told I talk too much. I guess you didn't get that from me." She starts laughing like she was told the world's funniest joke. 

     I put the last piece of bread on top of the sandwich with shaking hands and hand it over to her. She thanks me and devours it in seconds. "You know, I really wasn't lying when I said the food they serve us in the cells is disgusting. You should really bring that up with your mate." She looks around. "Speaking of mate, where is the big guy?" She looks at me and I drop my eyes. "Aww did he have to go take care of some pack business and leave his precious little mate by herself? That's okay I'll keep you company. It's about time we have some mother-daughter bonding time." 

     I stand there awkwardly with my eyes cast down. "So what do you want to do?" I feel her eyes on me but I make no move of meeting her eyes. "Let's go for a walk. It looks like you haven't been out for a while." She starts walking toward the door and looks back at me expecting me to follower her. I shake my head no, Alpha Jake probably doesn't want me to leave and I don't exactly trust this woman. 

     "What's the worst that could happen, come on." I take a step back at her irritated voice. "Okay, fine let's just go hang out in the backward then, that way you can still get some sun." She turns around and makes her way towards the back of the house. This time I follow her, seeing that it's the better option out of the two and I don't want to risk her getting more mad. 

     She opens up the backdoor and runs out laughing and spreads her arms out. "I've always loved the outdoors, I guess that's just a werewolves nature though." I step out also, closing the door behind me. I look around and my forehead wrinkles wondering where all of the guards are. 

     She plops down on the grass in the middle of the yard facing the woods and gestures for me to join her. I hesitantly make my way over and gently sit down.  "So let's see what you should know about me. I'm your mom, carried you all nine months. Don't even get me started on pregnancy, morning sickness was awful!" And that's how she got on a thirty minute tangent about how I should never get pregnant. "But don't let all of that stop you, I still want grandkids." This lady is confusing, was she not the one telling me seconds ago to not get pregnant. 

     She once again starts talking and going on about things like her favorite color, where she likes to run, etc. She never gives me any personal information though or anything about my father. 

     We must have been out here for a while before the hairs on my neck stand up at the sound of a growl. "Juliet, where are you?" I instantly recognize that voice and stand up to head inside. 

     "Oh sit back down honey, big moody alpha can walk out here himself." I don't listen to her though and continue towards Alpha Jakes voice. 

      When I step through the door back into the house I am instantly infulged in a hug. "Where were you? I was worried? Are you hurt? Tell me where you're hurt?" He lifts up my arms and checks them for any wounds, twisting them this way and that. 

     "Will you calm down, she's not hurt and she's not a baby." My "mother" says. Alpha Jakes arms tighten around me and pulls me close to his chest. 

     "What are you doing here?" He growls out. "Oh save that. I'm heading back now, just wanted to visit my baby girl real quick and get some good food." 

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