Chapter 1

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Do you ever have those friends that you really don't want to find out about a really up and coming band that you like? Yeah, that's how I am with my friend, Trixie, with All Time Low. She already knows about them and she listens to them and she likes them a lot, but she doesn't really know their music that well, and she doesn't even know who's in the band(Alex who?). But anyways, Trixie is a really good friend of mine, she's actually my best friend. And that's the only thing that I really don't want to share with her. I already share everything else with her! And to be honest I'm scared she'll ruin the band for me.

I don't know, I'm being crazy. But like I said, I share everything with her. Clothes, shoes, music, food, even my birthday! In fact, we were born at the same hospital. But I was born 5 hours and 24 minutes before she was (and I never let her forget). So yesterday I was driving us to school on the first day when my boyfriend, Michael, called me. "Trix, can you get that? It's Mikey."

She picked up the phone and started having a casual conversation with him. I love that my best friend and my boyfriend are on good terms with each other. "Ry, Mikey says hi and that he'll see you at school and he can't wait to see you. Maybe tonight you can -- ew I'm not saying that!" She laughed into the phone.

"Tell him I said I love him too, and we'll be there in like fifteen minutes." I said, suppressing the urge to grab my phone and tell him how much I've missed him and how I'm so glad he's back.

When Trixie hung up we started talking about what our schedules would hopefully look like. My school is so dumb, we don't get our schedules until the first day of school! we decided that even if we didn't have a class together we could still get together during lunch, because all seniors have lunch together. And then after what seemed like hours, we pulled up to the school. The glorious Nellieville Acadamy. I saw Mikey right away, he dyed his hair again, it's purple now. It suits him. He was standing with his three best friends, Luke, Ashton and Calum.

As I went to park my car, Trixie started gushing about how good Ashton looked. I just laughed and nodded along. Walking over to wards where they were standing, I kept reminding Trixie to stay calm and not freak out. He's just a high school student. He's nothing special. And in the middle of my pep talk I heard Mikey yell my name and I turned to look at him and he was already running towards me. He grabbed me up in a bear hug and twirled me around. When he finally put me down he kissed the top of my head.

"I missed you, sweetheart."

"I missed you too, handsome." I whispered back, before tilting my head up to get a real kiss.

You know when the books say every time you kiss the that one guy sparks fly and you feel all this electricity in the kiss? That doesn't happen. But it's just as good. My lips don't necessarily tingle but I can see why an author would describe it like that.

Anyway, he pulls away and then grabs my waist and pulls my body closer to his. "I love you, Ryan."

"I love you too, Mikey."

"To the moon and back."

"To infinty and beyond."

"Forever and always." We finish together.

I take his hand and drag him back over to the boys and Trixie. Trixie is actually doing surprisingly well on her own. All the boys seemed completely engrossed in some story she was telling. I told her me and Mikey were going to go chill by the tree. We walked hand in hand down the hill near the football field and sat under this big weeping willow tree. It was a perfect spot to hang out because it provided the perfect amount of privacy. Normally we don't do anything but cuddle and talk and listen to music, but it's still nice to have privacy.


As of now, I'm sitting against the tree and Mikey has head in my lap. "So how was your mom?"

"She's the same. Still doesn't approve of my tattoos, still doesn't approve of my hair, still doesn't like me going across the world for this school. But I'm doing it anyway. I have a full scholarship, room and board included, so it would be stupid not to go here."

"I know, baby. I know. But I mean, how is she? How are all your old friends? Did you see any wild kangaroos? Did you see any poisonous animals?"

"Babe, Australia isn't actually like that. But I mean it was okay. I caught up with some old friends. I would have rather been here with you." He takes my hand and kisses it, and then holds it against his chest.

"Michael, don't say that. She's your mom. You're all she has left."

"I know... But I wish she approved of us. I wish I could take you home so you could meet her. I mean obviously you wouldn't stay for the whole summer, but you could stay for a few weeks. You could meet her and all my old friends and I could show you my old room and I could bring you to my favorite places around town."

"How about this. If you still feel like this in November, let me know and I'll convince my parents to give me tickets to your old house for christmas, and you can try to convince your mom to let me come home with you for winter break."

Mikey shot up out of my lap. "DEAL! Lets shake on it?" He stuck his hand out and I firmly grabbed it and gave it my best shake. "No backsies!" He yelled.

I was about to tell him he's right when the first bell rung. We both groaned and be pushed himself up from the ground. "Mikey" I whined. "I don't wanna go."

"Me either but we have too"


"C'mon." He grabs my hands and helps me up, pulling me close to him. "I know a way we can make it better." He slightly lifts me and places me on his feet and starts walked backwards. "Be my eyes, Ry!" I peek my eyes over his shoulder so I could make sure he doesn't hit into anything.

"Watch out, there's a big branch right --"

However, I was a little too late because Mikey’s head hits the branch and he falls backwards but not without pulling me down with him.

"Ry I told you to be my eyes!" Mikey laughs

"Hey, I mean this isn't too bad." I'm lying on top on him. I lean down and give him a peck on the lips. "Do we have to go to school?"

"Yes, Ryan"

"Fine," I pout, rolling off him to stand up.

We both walk normally this time, obviously we both need our eyes.

When we get into the gym we separate to get our schedules.

About 10 minutes later we all meet up at our normal spot last year, right outside the cafeteria. Mikey, Luke, and Ashton were already there comparing schedules. "Hey boys," I say, looking over Ashton's shoulder at his and Luke's schedule. "Aw sweet, Ashton, we have AP Physics together."

"Thank God. I don't even want to take that class, I'm glad I have someone to suffer with." Ashton replies, breathing a sigh of relief.

"Ry! Let me see your schedule!" Trixie yells, coming up behind me. "Ooohhh we have AP Physics!"

"We have that with Ashton, too." I say, taking my schedule back.

"Mikey, we need to have something together." I plead. We compared schedules and see that we have ceramics together last period.  The perfect way to end my day.

"Where's Calum?" Trixie asks Ashton.

"Probably chatting up the new girl." Ashton answered, rolling his eyes.  "I swear that boy is such a man whore.  He just hooked up with Charleen last week."

"Wait Calum and Charleen hooked up?" Trixie asks.  Totally out of the loop, as per usual.

"Yeah, remember he told us, in detail, about it in the group chat?" I shudder, remembering the vivid images he gave me.

"No?" Trixie sticks out her bottom lip, "It must have been one of the times my parents took my phone away." She rolls her eyes.

Her parents always take her phone away.  It's basically the only punishment they can think of.

"Speak of the devil" Luke nods his head towards someone behind us.

"Hey guys!" He greets us, some girl I've never seen under his arm.

Don't get me wrong, Calum isn't a typical player.  He doesn’t even really try to get girls, they just throw themselves at him.  And he's always super sweet to them. He's never disrespected a girl, even after sleeping with her.  And he always stays friends with the girls after he gets with them, but it’s mostly because they want another go.  Apparently he’s huge down there and an animal in bed.

Anyway, I think the girl said her name was Ashley or something. I'm not really paying attention to her, I'm waiting for her to shut up so I can see Calum's schedule.

Finally she does, and I'm disappointed to see that we have nothing together.  After a few minutes of catching up and talking, the warning bell rings.

"I have to go to my locker, see you at lunch." I say, going to my tippy toes to give Mikey a kiss goodbye.  He returns my kiss, but follows me to my locker anyway.

"Do you remember my combination, by any chance?" I ask.  If he doesn't remember I have to go to the main office, and I hate doing that.  The lady at the front desk scares me.

"21-45-14" He responds, "You forget it every year on the first day."

"I know, sorry.  Can you hold this?" I hand him my math binder and put my psych, English, and Spanish books in my locker.  "Thanks.  Wheres your first class?"

"Uhhh, J206"

"Hah, you have to go to another building.  I'm A100"

"Lucky bitch."

"Mmmhh, the luckiest.  I need to get to class, and so do you. I'll see you at lunch?"

"Yeah, love you."

"I love you too."

He smiles and gives me one last peck before turning around and leaving me to watch him walk away, already missing his touch.

I'm telling you, love is annoying.

Authors Note: 

If you were confused, Ryan is a girl. 

Edited by Monica i think her user is hellosheep but idk.  But if there are any mistakes blame her not me.  I hope people actually read this and if you read it i hope you enjoy it, if not im sorry.

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