I want you. I've made my choice. [47]

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Camila's POV.

"Um hey Y/N. I wasn't expecting you to be back till tomorrow." I said as I stood up from the couch. I was at her house since I knew she was coming back tomorrow and Royalty wanted to see her as soon as she got back. So we came here, plus I feel safer here instead of my home. Alex knows where I stay but not Y/N.

"How was the trip?" I asked once again but nothing was said again.

Y/N was just standing there with this weird look on her face, almost as if she'd seen a ghost. She's wasn't saying anything only staring.

"Umm I should get going then. Royalty is down for her nap."

I said picking up my purse trying to step by her. She hadn't responded back to anything I've said and it's just getting awkward. She must wanted me to leave.

Before I could get to the door Y/N reached out and pulled my arm making me stop walking.


I slowly turned around to face her and she looked sad. Her eyes were low and red along with her lightly freckled face.

I've never seen her like this before.

I frowned before putting my purse down as I walked closer to her. "What's the matter Y/N." My hand went up to meet her face. "Have you been crying?"

She grabbed my hand from her face and shook her head. "Camila I-I think I finally figured it out."

Ok now I think she might be high because she is not making any sense. Yeah that's it, she's gotta be high.

"Figured what out?" Now I'm really confused. "Y/N, you aren't making any sense. Here let's go grab a seat." I tried pulling her over to the couch but she wouldn't move.

"Y/N come on, you need to sit down." I said tugging on her hand a little harder.

She completely ignored me before grabbing my face and taking my lips into hers. My whole world stopped, everything around me stopped, and I felt my heart start to beat extremely fast.

The familiar, warm, sweet taste that I had been missing was back. I loved ever second of it, but I had to stop myself. Y/N is not mine she belongs to somebody else.

The room became extremely quiet. So quiet you could hear the drop of a dime. But what was I to say? What was I to do?

"Y/N." I was now breathless I'd be lying if I said that kiss didn't just send me. I placed my hands on her chest making her back up.

"I want you Camila. That's what I've figured out. That my life will never, and I mean never be the same with out you in it."

I took deep breaths as I held her away from me by her arms.

"B-But that's what I'm doing. We h-have a c-child together-" I was now a stuttering mess.

She shook her head as she continued to hold me. "Not just as my "baby momma" but as my woman. My wife Camila."

My eyes grew when I heard that. Her wife?! Something has definitely gotten into her.

I shook my head trying to think of words to say. What has gotten into her? Has she forgotten that she's in a fully committed relationship with Nicki?

"B-but what about Nicki?"

"She apparently knows me better than I know myself." She said and I glanced up at her. "She's the one who told me to come talk to you."

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