Chapter 7

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Tooth's POV: (probably didn't see that coming)

This has been a great day! Note the sarcasm. When Elsa came from the portal, I knew that Jack liked her! Just like that! It's not fair, I knew Jack first! And on top of that, Pitch got my fairies and kids stopped believing in me. I just want to die in a hole. Then a idea struck in my head. "Hey North, what are we going to do with Elsa? I mean she's too full with fear." I asked. "I don't know Tooth, but we think of idea somehow." He said back. I waited a few minutes on purpose. Ok here's my plan, I'll tell North that we could use Elsa by telling her she's a monster and all, and that'll make her help defeat Pitch. Great plan right? Yea I know, I'm a genius! Finally after a few minutes, I said, "hey North! I thought of an idea!" "Really? Tell your idea" Ha,he fell for the trap. Yeesh, what's wrong with me? Is this what jealousy does to guardians? "We can use Elsa by telling her she's a monster whenever it's an emergency, and she'll use her powers and that'll help us defeat Pitch!" I told my devious plan. "Mmhmmm. I don't know Tooth, it is rude and wrong, don't you think?" He said back. C'mon Tooth, gotta convince him. "C'mon North, it's our only way." "Ok fine. But only for a while, ok?" "Fine." I looked at Bunny and Sandy and they had these faces that looked like they didn't want to do it. Then Sandy pointed a arrow with his dreamsand. We looked down to see people. "It's them mate." Bunny said. We flew down and I could hear crying. Its the Big Five. They were surrounding Elsa. Was she dead? Then she mumbled something. I think it was 'Anna why did you do that?' What was she talking about? Then her eyes opened. "What happened!?"

Elsa's POV:

"Elsa! Wake up wake up wake up!" Anna exclaimed. "Anna... Go back to sleep.." I mumbled still sleepy. "I can't!" She said as she laid on top of me. "The sky's awake so I'm awake, so we have to play!" She explained. I just wanna go back to sleep. "Go play by yourself!" I said as I pushed her of my bed. I think she left because I couldn't hear her anymore. But I think I said that too early because again she went on my bed. "Do you wanna build a snowmannnn." I opened my reluctantly hearing the word snowman. I put on my flats and we headed out onto the ball. I tried awfully a lot to keep Anna quiet because she was so excited. When we finally reached the ball I asked her, " Are you ready?" She quickly nodded and I raised my hands up releasing snow to fall. She ran around yelling " This is amazing!!!" I looked at her and and said, "Watch this." I stepped onto the ground and ice sheeted over the ground making it an ice rink. We built Olaf the snowman, made snow angels, and skated with Olaf. Then it was tickle bumps. Anna was too fast for me to catch her. "Faster!" "Wait, slow down!" I warned as I tried my best to make more fast and quickly. "Catch me!" She said. I slipped and shot without looking. "Anna!" I screamed as I realized I had shot her...... "Fear will be your enemy.".......... All these nightmares. I woke up and realized I was still on the North Mountain. I was surrounded with everyone looking at me crying except for Tooth for some reason. "Elsa?!" Everyone shouted. Tooth said it coldly though, did I do something wrong? I hope not. But what surprised me most was Jack. He kissed me! Right in the lips. We pulled back and everyone was shocked, especially Tooth. She's been acting weird ever since I've woken up. "Jack!" Tooth yelled. I was shocked myself too. I panicked. "I- I-I'm so sorry. I can't. I'm so sorry." I stuttered as I ran away to never be seen, where I can be safe, and isolated for the rest of my life.

Authors Note:

Sooooooo sorry I haven't been updating. School has been giving me A LOTTTT of homework. I'm trying my best to update and write. Sooo sooo sorry. I hope you liked this chapter though. Tooth, jealous much? What do you thinks going to happen next? Find out more the next chapter. Sorry for the cliffhanger btw😉 ~Charlize❄️

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