Chapter 8: Hating of Surprises

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So now it's Fanny!

She a cute anger!



Fanny hated this.

Then again, she hated nearly everything, but this was different. Very different. In more ways then one. Firstly, Fanny was different, she was now a human, and she hated that, though she didn't hate having arms, and this challenge was...





Especially because so far, the challenge had hardly been explained, at all. As if they had been given all the materials to build a chair but no instructions, but instead , they were given a bunch of blocks and no instructions. Though the blocks could be used to build a chair, that probably wasn't what they were meant for. Pencil and Match, who Fanny hated in both their old and new forms, seemed to be discussing this very topic.

" So Match, do you think this is one of those 'all of 'em have to equal the same thing' things?" Pencil inquired

"Like, totally!" Match agreed with Pencil, as per usual. Fanny hated how often she used the word 'like'.  She He also hated the way Match looked now, along with Pencil. Match was darker skinned, with hair that seemed purposely messy pulled back into a bun that gave off the same vibe. Her shirt depicting a match was white and showed her shoulders. She wore a yellow-ish brown skort (that's skirt and shorts combined) that matched Pencil's. Pencil had short pink hair brought back with a headband and was fairly light skinned. Match looked like the hypocrite she was, and Fanny hated hypocrisy. Fanny though, did not have the time to mentally count everything she hated about Match, so she didn't. Instead she ignored Match and Pencil completely, swimming over to the wall that had flipped to reveal a the grid. She examined the blocks already within it. Her arm, a dark cerulean blue jacket sleeve plastered to it with water uncomfortably, moved up to touch a block. It didn't seem fixed in place. Fanny cracked her newly aquired tan knuckles as a look of either determination or frustration crossed her face. Then she pulled the block out of place far too easily for the knuckle-cracking earlier to have been necessary, and looked at the space behind where it had been.

"Good Job, keep it up!" 

The message was carved into the back of the small, cubbyhole-like space. The handwriting was the same as that of the worksheets in the previous area, so this was probably Four's handwriting. Fanny considered the message and followed the directions, keeping it up and pulling the next block out. 

"Again, again!" The letters this time seemed painted on in purple. Fanny noticed others were migrating towards the wall as well, but didn't acknowledge them. She climbed the borders of the slots she'd removed the blocks from to remove the next one.

There was a button, pink and labeled "Solve". Fanny pushed it, immediately fell. The borders of all the squares in the previously filled-in column fell, and as Fanny looked up, she saw that the blocks themselves were falling. And she was on their collision course.

"I hate-" Fanny was cut off as she was hit on the head and buried in blocks.




Fanny woke up in the block pile. And since she woke up, she must have been unconscious before. The pain on her head supported this theory. Groaning slightly, Fanny pushed a block off of herself. 

"Hm? Oh Fanny! You're awake, are you okay?" Fanny heard from her blocky tomb. It was Bubble's voice.  "Well, I'm alive... and not in too much pain... but I am a little stuck" Fanny responded in her usual frustrated tone. Fanny did notice, however a block being lift off of her by pale hands. Then another. Fanny sat up and looked towards Bubble, who was pale and freckled. Her hair was in space buns and the hairties used for them were the kind with orbs attached. Her hair was a light cyan and the ties were a darker blue. She wore slightly frilly baby blue shorts. Glancing around, Fanny realized Bubble was the only one still in the room, and the column she had found the button in was replaced with an opening in the wall. 

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