Chapter Eighty-Three

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The Burrow was thrust into chaos the day of Bill and Fleur's wedding as Molly organized everyone into working making sure that everything was perfect for her son's wedding. It had led to plenty of complaints within the Burrow household. However, Thea was able to miss out on all the chaotic fun and work. 

She wasn't expected to arrive until later when she would arrive with Tonks when all the guests were actually supposed to arrive. 

The original plan as for her to arrive with both Remus and Tonks so she would have someone to arrive with but in the end, Remus would be arriving later so that left just Tonks and Thea to arrive together. 

Tonks had finished getting ready in appropriate attire for the wedding before heading over to the apartment she had previously owned to pick up Thea so they could arrive at the same time. 

"Thea are you nearly ready to go?" Tonks shouted up the stairs, hearing Thea moving around upstairs. 

"Yep!" Thea shouted back. "Just give me a second."

Thea quickly looked at herself in the mirror making sure they were no wrinkles or stains on her dress before heading down to greet Tonks.

"Woah. Thea, you look amazing." Tonks complimented her. 

Thea was wearing a simple black skater dress that rested just above her knee decorated with daisy flower prints. She hadn't wanted to wear anything overly fancy because, with the exception of the dress she had worn to the Yule Ball, she really didn't wear dresses or fancy stuff.  Her hair had been slightly curled but otherwise still hang slightly above her shoulders. 

"So do you, Tonks."

"Thank you, Thea. Are you ready to go?"

"I'm ready," Thea claimed, tucking her wand into the pocket of her dress. Finally! A dress that had pockets, Thea was over the moon above it because after that had been one of the main reasons she had bought the dress in the first place.

The Ministry had placed a large amount on enchantments on the place in order to protect the party guests. It was enough to rattle a few guest's nerves but Thea knew it was the best. She didn't want anything to happen but she could never be too sure. 

The second Tonks and Thea arrived at the Burrow, Thea's breath was suddenly taken away from her as she gasped. Clearly, the members of the Burrow that had been working all day had done a magnificent job. 

A large tent had been erected in the ground of the Burrow which seemed to twinkle with life. The Burrow was full of life as nearly all the light were turned on inside the house.

"Wow, this is amazing." Thea breathed.

"Everyone has outdone themselves," Tonks added. 

"They really have."

"Come on we better head inside the tent, I expect the ceremony will begin soon." 

They began to head inside however, Thea quickly panicked slightly when she saw the Weasley twins waving everyone in. Tonks quickly sensed Thea's panic as she had gotten increasingly good at over the past few years.  But fortunately just as Thea and Tonks were about to enter a loud crowd entered with them protecting Thea from being spotted. 

Remus had approached them not too long after, pulling Tonks into a side hug and complimenting her on her dress choice. 

The three of them wandered around the tent saying hello to familiar faces but all were quite shocked when they noticed a red-headed boy that none of them recognised heading straight towards them.

They were all quickly filled in that for his own safety, Harry was currently disguised as a Weasley "cousin" after taking Polyjuice potion with the hair of a muggle boy who lived close by and just so happened to be a redhead. 

After saying hello to a disguised Harry, the three of them all took their seats as everyone began to do the same. Thea admired the decorations that light up the inside of the tent. It truly was beautiful, having a large number of people at her wedding if it ever happened had never been something Thea wanted. She had always preferred smaller weddings and she had always wanted a small ceremony similar to what Remus and Tonks had for their wedding. During her time in Hogwarts before everything went sour, Thea and Max had promised to be each other's maid of honor with Sadie as one of the bridesmaids, it had been a running joke within the group that Thea's brother would be the one to actually preside over the wedding as it would be his final chance to make sure the man was right for his little sister. 

The ceremony began not to long after and the wizard presiding over the ceremony had barely said a word before Molly was already in tears.

"Ladies and gentlemen. We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of two faithful souls..." The wizard presiding began gesturing towards where Bill and Fleur stood. He quickly claimed that the bride and groom had made their own wedding vows as he gave them a moment to exchange them. However, Thea found it increasingly hard to hear what was being said as it seemed the entire room was crying. 

Eventually, the vows were finished as the wizard presiding turned back to the bride and groom. 

"Do you, William Arthur, take Fleur Isabelle?"

Thea could see in the front row where Mrs. Weasley and Madame Delacour were both sobbing together quietly into scraps of lace. However, the trumpetlike sounds from the back of the marquee told everyone that Hagrid had taken out one of his own table-cloth sized handkerchiefs that he blew his noise into loudly.

"...then I officially declare you bonded for life."

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