Chapter 10 I'm Definitely Bipolar

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Of course this song needs no intro but since it's apart of my childhood I thought why not? Right?

Song Name: This Is Me

Singer Name: Demi Lovato Ft. Joe Jonas

Chapter 10 I'm definitely Bipolar 

Amalie's POV:


Today is the second day since I was discharged from the hospital but I still needed bed rest. And whenever I tried to stand I felt dizzy so needed someone support me. Mom, Lillian and Scarlett were always there. But many times Dad and Daniel helped me as well. It was hard for me to focus on my studies as I instantly felt dizzy. It was really truly frustrating so I had to rely on Lillian to read me things that was the only way I could understand and not feel light headed. But what confused me, rather made me worried was that Serena hasn't once visited me since my hospital break down. I heard when I was unconscious that Serena blamed herself for what happened. Exactly what did she blame herself about?

"Earth to Amalie." Lil said snapping her fingers in front me taking me out of my dazed state.

"Yeah, so what are were you saying?" I say diverting my attention to her.

"M, what happened you seem to be worried?"

"Lil, I'm worried about Serena when I was unconscious Austin said something about Serena blaming herself for all this... What happened when I was unconscious?"

Lil bit her bottom lip before answering, "Serena said that's all her fault that you're in this position, even in high school if only she could stand up for herself than none of this would've happened."

I stared at her horrified without thinking twice I stood up forgetting about my condition it only made wince in pain and Lil ran to my side and settled me down, "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"You!" I exclaimed frustrated.

"What do you mean?"

"God, Lillian how you be so dense, of course she would blame herself if you told me of this before I would've gone earlier to visit her!"

"In your current state! That's the reason I didn't tell you in the first place! Amalie you always think of others rather than yourself! Why can't you be selfish?! Just once in your life be selfish! Like normal people!" She shouted in a frustrated voice. No one was home not even Mimi. She had some matters to attend to.

"Look Lil, I know you care about me, but please I want to help Serena. So please, will you let me?" I say calmly unfazed by her outburst.

"Exactly how're you planning to go?" she asked raising her eyebrow.

"Well you told me to be selfish once in a while so help me please?" I gave her my best puppy dog face.

"Ugh, don't pull that on me...! Alright! You win, let's get this over with, though, I didn't exactly think you would use my words against me."

"I know, I'm evil." I giggled.

"More like selfless idiot but in any form you're still my bestie. For whom I would do anything. Come on wear your shoes and let's go."

I put on my flip flops and say I'm ready, she looks at me weirdly, "What? We're just going across the street beside they know us, so it's alright."

She shrugged. Helped me stand up and after going a flight of stairs making sure I didn't put much weight on her because it might wear her out. The guard look at us in question but opened the gates never the less. Now you might be thinking why the hell not use a freaking wheel chair? The answer to that I'm too stubborn and besides this condition was temporary and would go away 2 or 3 days max. So yeah I can be childish when I want to be.

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