More than a friend #2

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Bucky sat in his car, his hands tight on the steering wheel as he was on his way home.
His mind was blank after he left the hospital and he was blinded by rage.
The rage was pushed aside by a feeling of guilt that nearly ate him alive while he was speeding down the road.
Once the heart monitor stopped beeping and they pulled the white cover over [Y/n]'s head, something snapped inside the soldier, a veil being lifted from his sight and the gravity of what just happened hit him.
The events of the night replayed in his head, how he broke down the door to his own apartment where [Y/n] had been waiting for him, how he pulled out the knife and the fight broke out.

She didn't stand a chance against the activated asset who was dead set on finishing his mission but she was quick and ran into the bathroom, where she locked the door but to no avail.
Again, the wood of the door cracked as Bucky kicked it in and he pulled her close to him with his hand around her throat.

"You're my mission and I need to finish it. Stop fighting me." He said coldly and ignored the sound of her nails, clawing at the steel of his hand.

"No, Bucky I'm your friend! It's me, [Y/n]!" She croaked out but his grip only tightened.

Her mouth hung open when the knife entered her abdomen for the first time tonight and she stared at Bucky with tears in her eyes while his expression was clean off every emotion.
Repeatedly pulling it out and stabbing her again, she collapsed to the tile floor in a puddle of her own blood but the asset was far from done.
His mission was to eliminate Dr. [Y/f/n] but not to make it look like an accident.

"Be as brutal as possible. She ruined me and I need her to feel the pain I felt."

That was his mission objective.
[Y/n] coughed up blood and a pained moan escaped her lips when she felt the pressure of the weight of the soldier on top of her.
With his knees on her sides, trapping her hands underneath them, he held the knife close to her heart while he remained eye contact with her.

"James, please. R-remember me." She whispered but all air left her lungs when he plunged the knife into her chest.

[Y/n] was gone. That's for certain. But the words of his superior echoed through the soldier's mind and he pulled a gun from his waist and checked it for bullets before he emptied the entire round in her torso.
Mission accomplished, the entire bathroom, Bucky's bathroom was covered in [Y/n]'s blood and his superior would be pleased with the outcome of the mission.
Picking up her lifeless body wasn't a challenge for the soldier and he placed her in the tub, watching the blood drip from her fingers.
It was sudden that a wave of pain ebbed through the asset's head and made him fall to his knees, right into the sea of blood where he covered his ears and his eyes were drilled shut.
When he opened them, his vision was blurry and he felt like he just woke up from a deep slumber.

But then his sight became focused and the only thing Bucky could see was the color red, staining his bathroom floor and the walls and in the middle of it, [Y/n] with her eyes wide open and an expression of pure fear etched onto her face.
With quavering hands, he cradled her petite body in his lap and pushed a bloody strand of hair behind her ear as tears uncontrollably rolled down his cheeks.
He pulled the knife out of her chest and let it clatter to the floor and he rocked her back and forth as the guilt consumed him.

"[Y/n], please forgive me. I'm begging you, I couldn't live with myself if I killed you. Please, [Y/n] come back to me." Bucky cried and as if on cue, her hand weakly squeezed his as he was holding it and without missing a beat, he grabbed her phone from the floor and called Steve, leaving a bloody fingerprint on the screen.

Again, his mind went blank and he carried her body into his car and drove to the hospital where he stood like a rag doll in the auditorium and watched the doctors' futile attempt at saving her life.
Bucky was forming a plan in his head, leaving the country and completely disappearing like he once did and leave the Avengers behind.
He couldn't stay with them, not after what he did.

The tires squealed when he slammed his foot on the brakes and the car came to a stop in front of his apartment complex and his feet automatically carried him up the stairs to his broken-down apartment door.
With a sigh, he opened it and immediately pulled out the other gun from his waist aiming it at the stranger on his couch.

"Well done soldier. It looks like a massacre in there." The intruder said with a nod to the bathroom door.

"Who the hell are you?" Bucky demanded and slowly neared the couch.

The man stood up, letting his coat fall straight as he faced Bucky with a uncertain expression.

"You're not supposed to- goddamn it, those damn science quacks!" He yelled and started pacing up and down the living room.

Bucky watched the man's hand glide into his pocket but before he could pull the trigger, the stranger pulled out a gun of his own and moments later, Bucky laid on the ground, unconscious, a dart piercing his neck.
The highly concentrated tranquilizer was tested on the serum that had enhanced Bucky to what he was today and the result was positive, it put him to sleep faster than anything else.
The stranger proceeded to pull out his own phone and angrily waited for the other line to pick up.

"The drug only worked partially, he remembered who she was and forgot his mission. I want improvements by tomorrow if you want to keep your job or your head!" He yelled into the phone and shoved it back in his pocket.

For one last time, the door opened and two men in tac-gear walked in, heaving the soldier out and dropping his nearly lifeless body in the back of a van.
With one last disappointed look, the stranger closed the apartment door behind him and followed his lackeys into the van before they drove off.
It wasn't more than five minutes until Natasha and Steve got out of their car and broke into Bucky's apartment only to find the gruesome scene of [Y/n]'s murder and no trace of the Winter Soldier.

thanks for the idea Mental_carrots

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