Chapter 5 ~ Bon-Bon

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       "So, Freddy said you wanted to talk to me about something?" "Yes, I did." Ballora responded. "I simply wanted to know, Y/N, are you scared of us?" She asked. You widened your eyes. "Well, I'm not as scared as was when I first met you guys. And I'm sure I'll get used to this quick." "Ah, okay. Thank you, Y/N." "Yeah, of course." You smiled and walked to the vent.

You crawled through the vent and got to the Primary Control Module. As your fourth night began, you did your usual routine that you'd normally do. You clicked the blue button and saw Ballora dancing to her stage. You waved hi to each other. You smiled and the light turned off. You went to the other window to go see Funtime Foxy. You clicked the blue button and saw Funtime Foxy and Funtime Freddy both on stage. Freddy turned to the window you were at. He smiled and waved. Bon-Bon detached from Freddy's hand and climbed onto his head. She waved and jumped up and down. You waved at the three of them and laughed. The light turned off and you started to crawl through the Circus Gallery vent. You stood up and clicked the blue button. The light didn't turn on. You clicked it again. It didn't turn on. "Hmm. Hand-Unit? You there?" No response. "Okay, I'll reboot it manually. Again." You chuckled. You crawled back to the Primary Control Module and then through the Ballora Gallery vent. 

You stood up and saw Freddy across from you. You walked quickly to him. "What h-happened?" He asked. "I was trying to check Baby's light, but it didn't work. So I'm gonna try to reboot the power." You smiled. "Oh o-okay. Can I help?" "Sure!" Freddy walked to the Breaker Room door and held it open for you. You smiled. "Thanks Freddy." You slightly blushed. 'Why am I blushing?' Luckily since it was dark no one could see. You both stepped in. You opened up the Breaker Control Box. Freddy stood next to you. You started to reboot one of the rooms. 'Wait, a-aren't y-you supposed to do t-this one?" Freddy moved his hand to point at a room under your hand, causing you to move your hand back. "No, I think it's this one." You pointed a room on the screen. A sudden movement you accidentally made caused you to start touching Freddy's hand. The both of you were now touching hands. You looked at each other's eyes for a few seconds. You smiled and blushed, as did Freddy. You slowly moved your hand back. You couldn't stop smiling, no matter what you did. You chuckled. "Y-yeah, y-your right Y-Y/N." Freddy stuttered, but said smiling. You laughed softly. You continued to reboot the power. 

(Time skip)

Once you finished rebooting the power with Freddy, you both walked out the room. "I'm gonna go check the power now." You said. "O-Okay." Freddy replied. You walked through Ballora Gallery, who was still on her stage. You crawled through the Ballora Gallery vent back to the Primary Control Module and into the Circus Gallery vent. You stood up and tried the blue button again. The light turned on. "It worked!" You said. You saw Baby there. She looked up to where you were and smiled. You smiled and waved. "Done with this shift." You crawled through the vents back to the Breaker Room. You opened the door and saw Freddy talking with Bon-Bon. "Hey Freddy." "H-Hi Y/N! Did you finish your shift?" "Yup. I'm so tired. What time is it?" You asked, sitting next to him. Freddy checked your phone. "4:21am." He said. "Oh, okay." You yawned. You leaned your head on the wall behind you and closed your eyes. "I'm just gonna- sleep here." You said, drifting off. You were half asleep and you felt your head fall gently onto Freddy's shoulder. Freddy's face plates twitched quite a lot. You felt him smile. He grabbed a blanket that was on the floor next to your phone and covered you with it. You then fell asleep. 

(The next day) You woke up next to Freddy who was in sleep mode. You smiled and got up. You squatted down and checked the time on your phone. 9:46am. You unplugged your phone and got up. You leaned down to wake up Freddy. "Hey, Freddy, wake up." You said gently. His eyes opened slowly and his face plates twitched slowly. You smiled. "Good morning." You said chuckling. "H-Hi Y/N." You stood up straight. Freddy stood up. "How d-did you sleep last night Y-Y/N?" "Great! I felt really comfortable." You answered. Freddy smiled and blushed. You looked at Freddy and noticed Bon-Bon wasn't with him. "Hey, where's Bon-Bon?" You asked. Freddy looked around the room. "Hmm, I d-don't know. I saw h-him last night." "Let's go look for him." You told Freddy, smiling. You both walked out of the Breaker Room. You saw Baby talking to Ballora so you walked over to them. "Hey guys." "Hello, Y/N." Ballora said. "Uh, have you guys seen Bon-Bon? We haven't seen him since last night." You asked. "Bon-Bon? No, maybe check the vents." Baby said. "Okay, thanks." You said, walking to the vents with Freddy. "You're sure you don't know where Bon-Bon is?" "No, n-no idea." He said. You started to become really worried. You climbed into the vent. "Bon-Bon!" You continued to crawl. You stood up into the Primary Control Module. "W-Woah." Freddy said. "What?" "I've n-never been in here before." "Really?" "N-No. None of the us are allowed to c-crawl through vents." "Oh. Well, do you like it?" "Yeah, i-it's different." "Yeah, it really is." A long silence filled the room. "H-Hey, Y/N, about last night, y-you know, when we t-touched hands, I'm s-sorry." "You don't need to be sorry. I-I'll be honest, I kind of... liked it." You said. You and Freddy blushed. "Let's keep looking for Bon-Bon, yeah?" "Y-Yeah." You called out for Bon-Bon while crawling through the Circus Gallery vent. You didn't see him there either. So you crawled through the vent that goes to Funtime Auditorium, where Funtime Foxy is. You found Foxy wandering around in front of the Parts and Service room. "Foxy!" You said, happily. Foxy turned to you and Freddy smiling, and her tail wagging. Her face plates twitched. "Hi guys!" She said. "Hi F-Foxy. Have you s-seen Bon-Bon?" Freddy said. Foxy looked at Freddy's hand, where Bon-Bon is supposed to be. "No, have you checked the Parts and Service room?" "Hm. No, not yet. We'll check there. Thanks Foxy!" You said smiling. You looked at Freddy and started walking to the Parts and Service room. Freddy opened the door for you. You smiled at him in a way to say thank you.

Wow. I really like this chapter, it's now officially my favorite one! It was so fun to write! You really are getting close to Freddy. I'm happy for you, and I can't wait to see what happens next. HEHEHEHEH lmao ok

Picture: (artist not available)

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