Butterflies- Author's note

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I think I'm starting a fanfic?

I've written 1 (and a half) before, but in Norwegian (Yey Norway!) But still I ain't good at this!!

This fanfict is about the Irishman himself, Nialler! Well, at least lets hope so..

And I hope you enjoy it? Just as it's said, I'm not the best writer, but not the worst (I think) either.

I'm writing part 1, now, but I don't know when I'll upload it :S I'm kind of a perfectionist (hahha so not true:P) :/

And the name is ispired by the song butterflies by Tone Damli

And if you will contact me; rinate96@gmail.com :D

OK Lets goo, My first fanfiction on english !

Lots of Love


P.S. Just as you know it, I'm probably editing later, so it won't be very good right now :/ Xx

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