Chapter 14- Kkaebsong...

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Chapter 14

Mei-Xing’s POV

Baekhyun waved and left the classroom.

He left me here... with them.

Fortunately Mr. Jung was still in class or else I would have run along with Baekhyun. I wouldn’t want to spend another moment in this classroom fearing for my life.

I’m glad their focus was still on Mr Jung as D.O was still trying to know why classes were being dismissed. Mr Jung looked as if he was sweating bullets right now because  of everyone’s facial expression.

Most of the boys were giving a creepy smirk at Mr Jung with their intriguing vampire eyes.


Except D.O who was like :


(A/N: Hahahahaha do you get it? You don’t? *pouts*...  Oh okay let’s get back to the story T^T)

Luckily for Mr.Jung, he was saved by the bell.

Ding * *Ding* *Ding* *Ding* *Ding**Ding**Ding* *Ding**Ding**Ding*

Was that the dismissal bell? It sounded more of a giant clock that signalled the hour of ten o’ clock.

“That was the bell. We should all leave now.” I heard Lay speaking as he got his books and placed them in his backpack.

“Annyeong everyone and don’t forget that there will be no classes, arasseo.” Mr. Jung said as he hurriedly teleported out of the classroom. I’m guessing he had to leave fast or else he would have to deal with our questions again.

“Ne, Annyeong Sir.” Everyone greeted but Mr. Jung had already left.

The boy called Luhan looked as if he didn’t even hear the dismissal bell. He was still sitting in the same position with his hands on his forehead and his elbows resting on the desk.

He looked stressed out and something was definitely bothering him. He only came back to his senses when Sehun walked over to him.

Sehun and Luhan were then first to leave the classroom.

“Mei-Xing it was nice meeting you tonight and take good care of that medical book for me.” Lay spoke up and left the classroom with Tao and Chen after they all greeted.

“Zainjian( Chinese-Goodbye) Mei-Xing.” Xiumin greeted from his desk and speeded out of the class.

I was in my seat and looked over to the opposite desks trying to spot Chanyeol because I heard him say that he will be taking me home. I looked closer to the right side where the other desks were and I saw Suho at his writing table sorting out some paper work with D.O.

But I couldn’t see Chanyeol anywhere in the classroom. O.O Where is he?

Just as soon as I looked away from the desks, I moved myself to get the medical book that was on Lay’s table and then...

“So I see you are into medicine studies.”

I got shocked to see Chanyeol in Lay’s seat beside me and I almost let out a frightening scream. Instead I covered my mouth to prevent that from happening.

He slouched in the seat with his one leg crossed over the other on the desk, he was also paging through the book that Lay gave me because there was something that I wanted to know.

I could feel my heart beating so fast right now because of his sudden appearance.

Seriously -_- Chanyeol and Baekhyun would make a perfect couple because they are both very good at appearing and frightening the life out of a person...especially out of me.

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He took his feet off the desk and he still held the book in his hand.  He stood up and leaned close to my face...almost too close. “Mei-Xing you are making it very difficult for me to keep a distance from you with your heart beating so fast.”

O.O W-What did he just say?

Chanyeol placed his hands on the metal armrests of my classroom chair locking me from escaping or from running away. I shifted in my seat looking for D.O or Suho to see if they were still in the classroom to save me. Unfortunately... they were not.

He chuckled as he stopped coming any closer and he handed me my medicine book.

“Mei-Xing, calm down. It’s not like I’m going to bite you or anything.” Chanyeol joked with a serious face.

I didn’t know if I was suppose to laugh or be more frightened at what he just said. He was a vampire... and wasn’t he the one who also called me a Phoenix earlier on? o.O

I took the book from him and held it over my chest as if it was a shield protecting my unstoppable beating heart.

Chanyeol stood up from the seat and held out his hand waiting for me to take it.

“P-Promise me that you will be taking me straight home.” I asked to just make sure. Chanyeol wasn’t actually doing his best at calming me down right now and for some reason... I think he actually scares me more than that teleporting guy. T^T

Chanyeol was still waiting for me to take his hand.

“ Mei-Xing seriously... If I wanted to do anything to you I would have done it by now...” He spoke up and hesitantly I reached for his hand but then stopped midway when he spoke up again with a smirk plastered on his face,“but fortunately for you, I’m too tired so I won’t try anything tonight (--,).”


My eyes rounded at what he just said and I froze in place.

Chanyeol saw my panicking expression and let out a loud laughter before cupping my face with one of his hands. He tilted my chin to look up at him and he smiled at me. Not a smirk but a genuine smile.

“Ne, I promise that I will take you straight home .”He rolled his eyes and took my hand leading me out of the classroom to take me home.


_Principle’s Office_

Joong-Ki’s POV

"Who? Why?” I asked myself repeatedly in my mind.

I’m sitting in my office observing the tiny black piece of cloth that belongs to the cloak of a young witch or wizard.

The identity still hasn’t been confirmed yet and I was hoping that this was just some kind of a sick joke.

I can’t explain what I felt when Yoochun called me to meet him at the school’s lake where he discovered the mutilated corpse. The discovery itself was gruesome and cruel.

What bothers me the most is how I’m trying to convince myself that this could have just been an accident. A really terrible accident. But then again... it was just too impossible.  No way was that just an accident, it just couldn’t have.

It can’t be.

Who or what could have done this?

Why did this happen?

How could this happen?

I’m the principle and the strongest protector to walk on this school. I’ve been sitting in this seat for almost fifteen years now. There was a previous principle but he died a long time ago and I became the principle when I was just eighteen years old.

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