One Hell of A Hangover

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Song: Alive by Sia

We don't talk all the way home. When we get there I go on to my room. I stay in my room for the next few days not even bothering to eat or come out. When I do my dad looks at me with sadness along with guilt and he tries to talk to me but I brush it off.

Everyone keeps calling me wanting to hang out over Christmas break but honestly I just want to be left alone. I am in my room when I hear a faint knock at the front door. I dread getting out of bed to answer it but whoever is at the door keeps knocking and they get louder and louder each time. I make my way to the door and lord and behold it is Sara and Bethany.

"Hi!" I say a little irritated when I open the door.

" are alive we were getting really worried about you," Sara practically squeals.

Really now, they were worried. I can't help but roll my eyes in annoyance. "What do you two want; I'm taking a nap?"

"'s like two in the afternoon Ana...why are you napping. You should get dressed and come with us."

"Why?" I roll my eyes again, hoping they would get the point that I don't really care at the moment.

"We are going to Will's house tonight for the New year's party. You got to come."

"My dad won't let me go so you are wasting your time here." I start to shut the door but Sara pushes it back open.

"Ana...don't be so rude we are still your  friends you know."

"Are you? If I recall you two left me there. I asked you to go with me. I asked for you to fucking wait for me and you two left me there. Do you have any freaking idea what he did to me? DO YOU?" I bark feeling my face getting really hot.

"Ana...we are sorry...we didn't..." Bethany starts to apologize and if I hear her call me that one more time I am going to snap.

"Don't call me Ana...don't...just don't. We are not friends; you guys are not my friends." I start to shut the door again and Bethany starts crying.

"Ana, we didn't mean for anything bad to happen to you. We are both sorry...if we would have known..."

I cut her off fast, "Seriously Bethany, you know that man is a drunk. Either way you should have waited."

"But Anthony was there. We didn't think anything would happen. God Ana...we are freaking sorry. Please forgive us. Come on you have to come to the party everyone is going to be there and you need to get out of this house."

It takes everything in me not to punch the shit out of her. I want to scream and just hearing Anthony's name pisses me off even more. "I will think about it!" And I slam the door in both of their faces.

I don't plan on going to the stupid party. My dad has to work all night due to everyone will be out partying and drinking and driving and he wants to make sure everyone gets home safe and sound. I go back to my room and jump back in bed.

My phone goes off and when I see who is calling, I debate even answering it. It's been a while now and maybe it would be good to hear his voice. "Hello."

"Hey babe, the guys are all having a party later. You need to get dressed, I will be there to pick you up at seven."

"My dad is not going to allow me to go you know that," I start to argue with him.

"Ana, what is the worst to happen to you. Seriously, the girls called they want you to come. I'm coming to get you so be ready and I'm not asking you to go, I'm telling you to."

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