Chapter 48

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The longer you wait for something, the more you will appreciate it when you get it. Because anything worth having, is definitely worth waiting❤️


She frowned at her phone for the nth number of time. She has been calling and sending texts to him but she didn't get any reply.

It has been one week, Piyu has been  waiting for Sam to call but she didn't get any. She had been texting but got no reply and when she calls the number says unreachable or switched off.

It's weird. She thought as Sam never does that. He must be busy but he drops off at least a text that he is busy. It was strange to her as it has been whole one week she had heard from him.

He is coming next week, she can wait till then and talk but she is worried if he is alright or not. She wants to know how is he. Piyu even told Rads to text him and ask but she also didn't get any reply which freaked her out.

Rads on the other side is fed up with the ignorance she got from Rohan. Well it's not clearly like he is ignoring her but he is staying away. He didn't come to that function also at Piyu's house that night along with Sam.

She messaged him after that asking him why he didn't show up but he didn't respond. She again messaged him asking what happened and again got no reply.

She got angry on him and left it but again she couldn't just leave it like that. So she again messaged him asking if he is okay but she didn't get any reply even when the messages are  shown that they are read.

First she was shocked by his behavior, then she felt hurt and when she realized everything then she decided she wouldn't cry over a stupid boy.

She realized that Rohan was after her only because of his player ways. He flirts with everything which looks like a girl. She decides to forget about him but couldn't. She couldn't forget the way he made her feel those feelings which she had never felt.

She realizes it wasn't his fault. He is like that flirting with every girl he meets. It's her fault to let him in. She never allows boys to come close to her. She knows better to avoid them. They only give heartaches and heart breaks.

Sam also broke Piyu's heart in the past and Jai also did same with Meera.  She loves Jai and Sam to the bits but just hate their dumbness. And about this Rohan thing, she brought it to herself by letting him in, going with the attraction she got for him.

She did the mistake of letting her guards down and now decides that there is no way a boy can break her heart.

Piyu is also worried about Sam now as that idiot is not texting back.

What's with this boys and their attitudes?

She thought irritated and texted Piyu.

Stop worrying now and let's go for some shopping!

Piyu thought over it and decided to go to take her mind off Sam.



And now that's how they ended in the mall shopping together.

" I am exhausted."

" I am hungry."

Both Piyu and Rads says at the same time.

" Come let's go to some restaurant and eat." Rads says dragging Piyu with her.

Rads gets a text and she frowns looking at it. She texts back and she gets an immediate reply.

" What happened Rads? " Piyu asks her frowning friend.

UNREQUITED LOVE ❤️💔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon