Dear you,
Okay this is probably the worst idea ever, but hey none of my ideas are good.
Whats the bad idea you ask? Welps its me writing this letter when I am extremely tired. Gosh who knows what will come out of my mouth.
I wonder if your skin is soft? It looks soft. God your so.... so... so... hmmmmmm should i say it?
I'm not sure
Would you like it
Would it embarrass you
Why am I spacing out everything? Who knows
YOUR SO FRICKIN HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This letter is gonna be full of wierdness and sweetness and Jamesnessss. Im so happy that your with me. I think that has been one of the things that has helped me with myself. I hope I help you cause I mean what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't.
Cause girl I aint no eye candy and if I am then you gots a wierd taste in candy XP
You want to know the difference between you and the season of Winter.... If I lay with you I can actually get warm...... Can I lay with you? on the floor? Maybe in a bed? Its your choice!!
Okay I need to end it there... Well BYE *waves cooly*
P.s. I wants a letter please