The night was dark- or as dark as it could be in the city. The sinful city was always active at night: whether to drink, smoke, dance- it really depended on the person.
Kiibo Idabashi was at his house with his friend Rantaro Amami. They would always get together and drink along with Kokichi Ouma. However, tonight was different. Kokichi hadn't arrived yet.
The silver haired male pours himself another shot, squeezing the juice from a lime in the bitter substance. "Did Kokichi say anything? He's not here."
Rantaro- who was already starting to lose his control- shakes his head. "Well, no shit, Sherlock. I haven't heard from him."
"Mm..." The scientist hums in response. To be frank, he was close to brushing it off. Being the overthinker he was, he couldn't. He couldn't help but feel a bit concerned. He knew Rantaro would be as well if he wasn't a quick drunk.
Regardless, he takes the shot, feeling the bitter liquid become with him.
✄Maybe Next Time He'll Think
The sound of bone hitting wall fills the house. Of course, it was accompanied by pained and heartbroken sobs.
Kokichi's breathing becomes heavier as he grip his hair. Tears mercilessly dripped and dropped from his violet eyes. The pair of panties were still on the bed where he had found them, as well as the condom he had found in the trash can.
His mascara ran and his red lipstick was smudged. On his phone was Shuichi's messages which he had read through about a thousand times.
That bastard...
His heart was shattered. He was played like an instrument- cheated like a helpless obedient puppy. He remained faithful for the past two years while Shuichi was bringing endless amounts of people into their bed.
He wanted Shuichi to feel his pain. He would destroy something precious to him...and he wouldn't hold back.
With the strength he could muster, Kokichi weakly stands up as he uselessly attempts to wipe his seemingly endless tears. He was feeling light headed as he navigated his way to the kitchen. His vision was blurred with rage and anguish.
Kokichi's hands shake as he walks to the garage. His keys were in his hand as he looks at the four wheel drive with flaming eyes. Was he making the right decision? He didn't know, nor did he care. How many people did Shuichi bring into his bed...?
The keys scrape against the red paint, scratching it beyond repair. The violette makes marks all over the car before quickly grabbing a kitchen knife from the room he had entered from. He slashes a hole in all four tires.
He opens the door and carves his name in the leather seats. He wasn't going to give this car mercy...just as his heart was crushed with no mercy.
After pulling away and admiring his work, he gets out of the car and sets the knife down. His hands grip onto the Louisville Slugger as he eyes the headlights. With full force, he bashes the lights in with the bat. He shatters the windows in tears. He knew he was probably never going get rid of the cuts and scars he received, but it was worth it.
Out of breath, Kokichi drops the bat and looks at the destroyed car. What was Shuichi doing right now? Playing polo with some blonde bitch singing white trash karaoke? He'll have some surprise when he brings her home.
Kokichi grabs his helmet before leaving on his motorcycle. He didn't look back- not even in the side mirrors. He knew that was dangerous, but did he care? No.
Kiibo had already gotten pretty drunk, but he could still think a bit straight. Rantaro was wasted. He wasn't a sloppy drunk, just more laid back.
The silver haired male looks at the door in confusion when a knock emerges. He stands up and opens the door, only to be met with Kokichi in tears.
"Oh, God, Kokichi- come in." He says, ushering the crying male inside.
"Hey, why do you have so many cuts?" Rantaro asks quickly. Concern and worry laced his voice as he quickly stands up and wraps his arms around his shorter friend.
A small pained chuckle protrudes from the violette. "The next time that he cheats, it won't be on me..-" He voice was cracking, hoarse from crying and screaming. The attention from his two closest friends did help ease the pain a small bit, but he was still devastated.
Kiibo holds out a shot glass filled to the rim with straight rum. Kokichi takes it and shoots it back, ignoring the burning sensation of pain on his tongue.
"Maybe next time he'll think before he cheats..."

SAIOUMA ONE SHOTS [Shuichi Saihara x Kokichi Ouma]
FanfictionA collection of SaiOuma one shots. Keep in mind this will contain lemons and stuff. Feel free to suggest! What I Will Do: -Fluff -AUs (expect almost all of them) -Mpreg -Smut -BDSM -Mentioned Sensitive Topics (eating disorders, suicide, rape, etc)...