I dont know what came over me...i liked Luke. Alot. I thought he felt the same way...maybe im just not good enough. I ran upstairs and into my bedroom, slaming the door behind me. I shuffled into my ensuit and fell to the floor. Why am i not good enough? Am i not pretty enough? Am i too wierd? Do i annoy him? So many negative thoghts running through my head. I reached to the drawer and pulled out the blade. The small but insanely sharp blade slid across my wrist, blood dripping out. I sat on the bathroom floor for longer than i needed to. But all i wanted right now is to be gone. I know It seems like im overacting but i was hurt, and im tired of constantly being hurt by the ones i rely on. I stood up and rinsed the dry blood off my wrist, wincing in pain as i did. I grabbed a bandage and hurridly wrapped it around my wrist and walked back into my bedroom. I collapsed on my bed and shut my eyes. After at least 2 seconds of silence my phone buzzed. I pulled it out of my pocket and read the message.
"Georgie, are you okay? What happened back there? xx" From Luke.
I threw my phone on my bed and sighed. No i wasn't okay, the one i loved totally just crushed me. I decided i should text Luke back. "Im fine, dont worry about it."
I got an instant reply.
"Can i come over?" -Luke. I sighed, i can never say no to this boy.
"if you want.." i replied.
Ten minutes passed and i heard a knock on the front door. Seeing as i was the only one home i had to get it. I jogged downstairs and opened the door revaling Luke. He instantly pulled me into his embrace and i just stood there. I was mad at him, i was dissapointed in him. But i shouldnt be because its not his fault, its mine. Luke noticed and pulled away. He saw the tears slid down my face. "George, whats wrong?" He questioned.
"i think its better if you just leave." I said nudging him. Luke refused and came inside anyway.
"im not leaving untill you tell me whats wrong." I groaned and walked back into my bedroom, Luke following like a sheep.
Once again i fell onto my bed with luke laying next to me.
I rolled over so i was facing Luke. "you going to tell me or..?"
"........Have you ever felt like your not good enough, like theres always someone out the whos better than you. And once your happy everything is fucked up." "and when you completly into someone , you think they feel the same way then you realise that could never happen because your just not good enough. When you get so tired of feeling like that and all you want is to be out of the world.." At this point i was crying while Luke hugged me. "Luke. could you just go. I need space." i said once i calmed down. Luke nodded and kissed my forhead before leaving. Not long after i drifted to sleep.
Next morning i woke up with a pounding headache, red puffy eyes and in the clothes i wore yesterday. I yawned and stood up, walking into the bathroom. I stripped out of my clothes and got into the shower. My muscles relaxed as the warm water hit my body. I washed my body then my hair with my strawberry smelling shampoo and conditioner. I got out of the shower and wrapped a towl around my self. I looked down at my wrist and noticed my new fresh cut..