Chapter 30

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Taehyung's POV

While inspecting my reflection, I repeat the thought process of my plan again with an evil smirk. 'I have to somehow seduce Jimin without coming on too strong nor lead him to think he's gonna get a bang at the end of the night.'

Facing away from the mirror, I ponder over how I'm going to make Jimin - the biggest player I've ever met - fall for me. It can't be based around sex or anything like that, it has to be raw emotions. I want to prove to him that it's not me who'll fall, but him.

As for Jungkook, I wasn't particularly sure if he ever loved me or not. It bothered me that I knew he was sleeping around behind my back, but it did made me wonder if he ever even loved me to begin with? If so, he has an awful way of showing it.

I had to remember the original plan behind why Jimin and I are even pretending to be a couple in the first place and that was so I could get back at Jungkook. Though, unlike Jimin, the approach for Jungkook had to be different. I had to make sure Jungkook feels the insufferable heartache side of love, like what he did to me. I'm tired of always being the one chasing and falling for others who aren't worth it. For once, I want someone to chase me.

A knock came at my door, waking me from my small pep talk as I peer over to see Namjoon entering.

"Auntie said your ride's here, hurry up and leave already!" He grumbles while chomping down on some chips that were in his grasp.

"Hey those are mine!" I hiss, realising he's currently eating my bag of chips that I had bought the other day.

Namjoon continues to munch down on my food before sticking out his tongue. "You snooze you lose, fatso."

I glare daggers at him before giving myself a final glance of approval and made my way past my cousin and down the stairs.

At the front door, stood Jimin dressed in smart attire. Mom was in the midst of complimenting how handsome he looks, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes, annoyed at how effortless it takes for Jimin to look attractive.

Although, I must admit, he does look good tonight. More so than usual if that's even possible.

Biting down on my tongue, I hoped that I too might catch some eyes tonight as I finally allow my presence to be shown.

"Hey," I spoke aloud, catching both of their attention.

The first thing Jimin does is openly gawk. His eyes expand as his lips fell slightly agape causing his jaw to slack. I had to hold back a smirk. I've achieved phase one of my plan; gain Jimin's full attention.

Now for the hard part, keeping Jimin's full attention for the rest of the evening. He had a bit of a wandering eye, so I knew I had to maintain his attention for the entirety of the night.

"Don't you look handsome!" Mom coos, getting all emotional as she compliments my appearance like she's proud of me. I simply give her a small smile before peering towards a still gawking Jimin. His eyes were bulging as he takes in every inch of me, from my outfit to my hair. I even placed on a little bit of makeup just to highlight my features better.

"Ready to go?" I question him, taking a step closer while he continues to stare with wide eyes.

"I-uh, s-sure." He sputters before catching himself by clearing his throat. He outstretches his arm for me which I gladly took.

Jimin's eyes were glued to my body, trailing up and down, inspecting every inch of me.

If I was being honest, I didn't expect for it to be this easy to catch his interest. I thought it would have taken more flirting to fully gain his attention, but I guess I shouldn't complain.

Bidding my mother goodbye, we walk over to his car as he opens the passenger side so I can slide in.

"So," I tail off once he joins me inside the vehicle. I didn't particularly have much to say but I refuse to let an awkward silence develop.

Jimin starts up the car, still waiting for me to continue. I sat there for a moment, trying my hardest to come up with something to say to him when an idea comes to mind.

"Why are you such a manwhore?" I bluntly ask.

I half expected Jimin to snap at me for insulting him but instead, all he does is let out a hearty laugh.

"Is that how you see me as?" He questions through a teasing like manner.

"No but seriously?" My words weaken as I try to get him to sustain a longer conversation.

He peers over at me before back at the road.

"What?" Jimin murmurs after he notices I've remained quiet.

I fix my eyes down on my lap as I breathe in, "have you always been like this?"

"I wouldn't say I've always been like this," he confesses through chortles of hilarity.

This made me grimace as I knew Jimin was clearly not taking me seriously, so I decide it's my turn to mess with him.

Gently, I place my hand down on his thigh, feeling him tense underneath my touch but I don't dare remove it.

Instead, I give him a soft squeeze, causing a strange noise to flee his lips. I smirk to myself, knowing it's getting him worked up as I sense him squirm a little while he attempts to maintain his attention on the view ahead of us.

"Taehyung?" I hear him mumble aloud; his voice slightly caught in his throat.

I grin.

"Yes?" I breathe the word out slowly, enjoying the current expression sketched upon his face.

He gulps, licking his lips. "Could you uh, do you want something?"

I chew down on my bottom lip to contain myself as I casually run my hand up a little further, making sure to give it one last tight squeeze which happened to cause Jimin to let out a low moan.

Knowing I have him in the palm of my hands now, I retreat my hand away from him only to hear an almost whimper come from him.

"Nope, nothing at all." I hum happily, leaning back in my chair as I glance out my window, grinning from ear to ear.

"Fucking tease," he grunts under his breath, clearly peeved.

I chuckle, "coming from the manwhore." 


Author's Note

Yeah this chapter sucks and its not really long. Sorry about that, the next chapter will be longer. I decided to shorten this chapter and make the next one a lot longer. 

I tried but I feel like this chapter just isn't that interesting or good, sorry again. 

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