She said
it wasn't his eyes
that glows every time he sees her
it wasn't his smile
that formed after every of their kisses
it wasn't even his arms
that kept her warm during winternor was it his voice
that claimed her so proudly
or his promposal
where she was deemed the luckiest girl in school
or his valentine gifts
of trips to Paris and Milan
neither was it his bravery
to keep any harm away from herit was
how he stayed
and believed
and loved.
all of the flaws she showed
seemed to only bring him closer.
the times he'd tell her
he's not was how she knows every day she wakes in the morning,
he'd be right beside her,
or in the kitchen,
or taking a cold shower,
or under the covers.
he'd be with her.that was how she knew,
was the answer she knew she'd never regret

• tangled confictions •
PoetryA clatter of words to embody the labyrinth I call a brain.