When will you be coming back?
On Tuesday.
It's literally three days Jungkook...
But I'll miss you :(
Aw since when you're so cheesy?
But it's your birthday on Sunday. I wanted to celebrate that with you.
Aw it's okay Kookie.. there's always a next year.
Come on.. smile..
I'll get you something from Japan okay?
Baby please don't be upset 💕
Ugh when you get all girlfriend-y with me I can't resist okay?
HAHA gotcha. See you when I come back :)
Have a safe flight and text me when you land okay?
Yes dad I will.
Okay now that was a big turn off.
Turn off?? Since when it's my job to keep you turned on? I'm not your girlfriend 🙄
Never too late for that baby ;)
Shut up and go to sleep you annoying child.
Okay you call me Dad, now you call me child. Make up your mind woman.
You're a bitch.
Ugh get me girlfriend Chaeng back.
She's already left for Japan and I'm going to follow. I'm not going to respond so it's better for you to sleep now.
Bye :(
Rosé was going to Japan for a fanmeet. When she told Jungkook her schedule, he went nuts.
"But it's your birthday! YOUR BIRTHDAY! You can't work on your birthday!" He kept saying.
He's being a baby, as always. She didn't pay much attention to his tantrums. She knew her best friend and he was always like this.
But Jungkook was truly missing her. He slowly walked towards the living room of the dorm and plopped on the couch. He turned on the TV and kept flipping channel after channel with a sad face.
Taehyung walked in and saw Jungkook sulking on the couch.
"What's up with you?" He asked. Jungkook looked at him and then back at the TV.
"Nothing. Don't bother." He said. Taehyung sighed and walked upto him, sitting beside him.
"It's clearly not nothing. Come on. Tell me." He said.
"I don't want to tell." He said.
"Why not??"
"Because... You will tease me and annoy me."
"So it's about Rosie." Taehyung stated.
"How did you know??" Jungkook asked, surprised.
"Well, now I do." Taehyung snickered. Jungkook rolled his eyes and focused back on the TV.
"What's up with you and her?" Taehyung asked.
"Nothing hyung seriously." He kept answering.
While they were talking, Namjoon walked into the room.
"Hey. What's going on?" He asked, sensing the weird atmosphere.
"Jungkook and Rosie are having a fight." Taehyung said.
"Um.. no we're not. And stop meddling in my business." Jungkook whined.
"No I won't. And if you're not having a fight then why are you out here sulking?" Taehyung said.
"Okay okay. Calm down kids." Namjoon said, sitting down with them. "Taehyung, stop teasing him. Jungkook, just tell us why you're so down. We don't like to see you like this."
Jungkook sighed and straightened up.
"You know how it's Chaeng's birthday this weekend right?" He said. Tae and Joon nodded, remembering the important date. "Well guess what? We have to cancel the surprise party. She's going to Japan for her fanmeet and she's not coming back until Tuesday." He blurted out and sat back, arms crossed in front of his chest.
"Oh.. that's actually a big waste of all the time you spent planning." Taehyung said.
"It's not about my time. It's about her and how happy she would've been to see all that. I had planned such a great evening. Outdoors, decorated with her favourite lights and flowers, everyone there with the cake singing happy birthday to her. I even picked out a customised cake for her. But now she won't get any of that. I know what she's going to say. Seeing her fans is the best gift. And I agree. But she deserved this. After all she went through, I wanted to give her a nice birthday party." He ranted.
Taehyung and Namjoon just stared at him with wide eyes and dropped jaws, which made him confused. "What? Why aren't you saying anything?" He asked.
"We uh..." Namjoon and Taehyung shared a glance with each other before turning towards Jungkook.
"We were just very awestruck by your awesome planning." Taehyung quickly said.
"Right!? Now can you imagine the look on her face if she actually witnessed all that? Well, too bad it won't happen anymore." He said, sinking back into his seat.
"I have an idea, if you don't mind." Namjoon said. "As far as I remember, we don't have any schedule on her birthday." He said.
"Yes, because I specifically asked Sejin hyung to keep the day empty so I could start preparing everything. Well, now that everything is drained just tell him to pack our schedule. Might as well keep me distracted." He bitterly said.
"Uh.. okay.. whoa." Taehyung said. "I'm going to need a little bit of water after hearing that."
"Why?" Jungkook asked.
"Forget about him. Listen to my idea." Namjoon said, changing the subject. "If she can't come to your party then take the party to her." He said.
"What do you mean?" Jungkook asked.
"Well, book a ticket to Japan. Go there, buy a cake, flowers and a present. Show up at her doorstep and BAM! A surprise birthday party!" He said.
"Do you think it will work? I kind of wanted everyone to join though..." Jungkook said.
"You know what buddy? Forget about us. Just go to Rosie and spend her birthday the right way." Taehyung said, patting his shoulder.
"Should I really? She won't be mad right?" He asked, hope building up inside him.
"Knowing her, she'll be delighted." Namjoon said with a smile, making Jungkook squeal in joy and rush to his room to book tickets and make reservations.
Namjoon looked at Taehyung who had the same look as him on his face.
"He's really head over heels isn't he?" Tae asked.
"Yeah. The bad part is, he doesn't know that yet." Namjoon said.
Jungkook happily skipped to his room and opened his laptop, quickly booking the earliest flight there is to Japan. Sadly, the earliest flight left in the evening of her birthday. He pouted at the thought. He had to return back the next day to continue with his schedule, so it looked like they could only spend that one night together. It wasn't enough, but he decided that something is better than nothing. He had a special gift for her that he really wanted to give on her special day.
He decided to pull the very extra step and book the flight, just to spend one night with her and return back to Korea the next morning. He smiled as the website showed the confirmed ticket on the screen, and he quickly got up to pack a few necessities in a backpack. He carefully put a fanciful wrapped box into the front pocket of his luggage, which is supposed to be her special gift. He couldn't wait. His heart was pumping vigorously as the weight of his actions slowly dawned on him.
He really just booked an entire plane ticket, both ways, just to spend a few hours with her. In his defence, it was her birthday and she deserves a surprise. As her best friend, it's his duty to make her day as special as possible.
He just wants the best for her as every other friend does.