"he was my brothers best friend,
and i could care less."
"He would stomp around in those sweatpants... Those stupid s t u p i d sweatpants"
Two former best friends forced to interact after two years of never talking.
Warning: DRUG USE I...
"So basically I can-" Jack was cut off by his phone blasting his ring tone "You Da One" by Rihanna
"Seriously dude... Rihanna?" I said with a small laugh
"Shut up I fucking love Rihanna" he said as he answered the call, putting it on speaker "what's up Jazzy" he said
"Heyyyyy I'm ready to be picked up" She said "shut the fuck up Katelynn" she said in the distance due to her moving the phone away from her mouth
"Okay, what's the address" Jack said , standing up and grabbing his jacket and shoes, me copying his actions
"Fuck uh.... 376 Sherriline road" She said with a small giggle again "EMMA OMGGGG" she yelled into the microphone, a bunch of laughs being heard in the background
"We'll be there in a few minutes by Jazzy" He said, ending the call and rolling his eyes "this bitch is drunk or something" he said sassily, obviously not meaning it in a rude manner
"Who's Emma and Katelynn?" I ask as we get into the car, Jack turning the ignition and pulling out of the driveway
"Two of her annoying friends" Jack said with a huff as he drove down the street "the only time Jazz hangs out with those two is when they do illegal stuff. They're both loud and annoying"
"Do they go to our school?" I ask as I raise my eyebrow, pulling out my phone
"Yeah but they skip half their classes to go Juul in the bathroom. Plus they're idiots, theyre still in Sophomore classes even though their seniors" he Huff's
"Someone has anger built up from these two" I said in a obvious tone. I pulled up Instagram until I noticed Anthony, Jasmine's ex posted on his finsta
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AnthonyTheAntEater: Gang shit babygirl 🥀🥴 Tagged: JazzySpazzy (jasmines finsta)
Liked by BeccaByer, JennaCarlson, and 87 more...
JazzySpazzy: lmao delete that shit 🤧🤧
EmmaHarvey: "GANG SHIT RIGHT NOW FOLKS" -Anthony, then burns his finger on lighter
AnthonyTheAntEater: Bully type shit now 🤧 emmaharvey
AbbyMangler: I can't with y'all 😂
KatelynnLittle: "we out here GANNNNNG SHIIIIIIT BROTHERRRRR" -Chase
ChaseHudson: "I'm not high" -Katelynn... Also Katelynn: *trips over a fucking fire hydrant*
"Bye bitches!!" Jasmine yelled as she hopped into the car. I didn't even realize we parked until her voice pulled me my eyes away from my phone "what's up my gorls!"
"The moon" Jack said sarcastically as he drove away from the house "who were all those people? I thought you were just with Katelynn and Emma?"
"Nah we had uh.... Emma, Katelynn, Torianna, Lexi.... Uhhhh-"
"Anthony Reeves and Chase Hudson?" I said cutting her off, death glaring the road, salt lacing my tone. Anthony Reeves was Jasmine's Ex, who I practically despised. He was the reason Jazz and I drifted away, he was the kid who I wanted to punch in the nose more than anyone
"Whoa whoa whoa, you and Anthony were hanging out?" Jack said shocked, keeping his eyes focused on the road "I thought you broke up months ago?!"
"We did" Jazz shrugs
"Then why were you guys hanging out?" Jack asked, still in shock
"Because we can" she shrugged again. I wanted to turn around and smack her in the face with a chair at that point.
"What the fu-"
"You two can talk about this when we get home" Jack said, cutting me off before I said something stupid, which was probably smart of him. After what felt like an hour, but in reality was only five minutes we had finally arrived at the house.
"I'll see you whenever you guys are done yeah?" Jack said as we all entered the house, I just nodded and he made his way to his room
"What's got you so angery" Jasmine said as she sprawled herself out on the couch with a yawn
"Why were you hanging out with that douchebag" I said, sitting down on the other end of the couch where he body wasn't touching
"Who? Anthony?? He's not s douchebag, he's cool man" She said, sitting up to look at me "why would you call him a douchebag?"
"Because he is one???" I stated as more of a question "he's slept with how many girls, he's disrespectful to woman, he's a dickhead, do I need to say anymore??" I snapped
"Whoa whoa there buddy that's where I'm going to stop you" she said waving her hands in front of her "he's not like that at all"
"Yes he-"
"Shut the fuck up and let me finish" She said sassily cutting me off "he actually has only slept with one person, ME" she said pointing to herself "all those 'girls that he's slept with' are just rumors. Granted he's probably got his dick sucked or maybe ate some chick out or something but I and THE ONLY person who's ... You know" she said, taking her pointer finger and sticking it into a hole created with her other hand
"Okay bu-"
"Damn did I not just tell you to shut up and let me talk" she said "so much disrespect I'm blinded" she huffed "secondly he's not disrespectful to woman. He has a lot of girls he's friends with and I know when he 'disrespects' them it's all in good manner okay. Believe it or not I AM one of his friends and I know his sense of humor. lastly ... Yeah he's kind of a dickhead you got me there" she said, shrugging
"Why do you want to hang around, better yet even be associated with him?" I ask in disbelief
"I'd tell you but you'd just call him an asshole and I really ain't about that arguing life tonight" she said sassily, crossing her arms
"Until you tell me I'm going to assume you keep him around for a quick fuck, so unless you want a better image of you in my head I suggest you explain" I said, fed up with her shit
"Why do you even care about his and I's relationship? You want to know why I keep him around? Because while your bitch ass self was running around, ignoring and hurting me, making my life a sad movie in real life he was there for me. He cared about it. He made me feel like all my problems weren't there anymore. He made me feel loved while you made me feel abandoned. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to bed, talk to me when you can stop being an asshole" She said, standing up and stomping away
I got up and stormed away from him. All of a sudden a was pushed up against the wall, I gasped and realized what was happening
"What are you-"
"Oh baby girl" Zach said as his hands held my arms over my head "I'm going to make you feel so good you're going to forget all the pain I've ever brought you" he said with a smirk
Holy shit.
Me? Updating three times in one day??? Whoa man... Whoa.