Bossman Finds Out

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Still startled at his discovery, Eric couldn't bring himself to sleep. How long could he hide the fact he had a reapers worst nightmare from everyone at the office? He knew he couldn't tell Alan, especially since the other had enough on his plate as it was. He'd been assigned to help out with the newest class of reapers in training. Looking down at the other when Alan placed his head on his chest, Eric wrapped an arm around him and sighed softly. He'd just have to go about hiding the scars. That wouldn't be a problem especially since he never really went without his jacket at work anyway. Sighing as he slowly dozed off, Eric rolled over, buried his face in Alan's hair, and went to sleep.

Groaning awake when Alan's alarm went off, Eric rolled over and sat up sighing. He didn't usually get up when Alan did, but he wanted to shower and he'd have to take the cornrows out of his hair if he wanted to be sure he felt refreshed and less shitty from the accident the day before. Standing up a bit and groaning when he felt at least two or three joints pop, Eric made his way to the bathroom. He hummed softly as he kissed Alan quickly in passing, stopping to grab fresh clothes to change into once he was out of the shower.

Stepping into the bathroom, Eric sighed a bit and turned so he could see the right side of his head. He began to take the cornrows out of his hair one by one, running a brush through it once he was done. He turned the water on and stepped in once it was warm enough, glancing down at his wrists again and sighing. He wondered if there was any cover up makeup left around his place, he remembered stashing various bottles around the house before Alan moved in to cover the bags under his eyes from nights he couldn't sleep. After washing his hair thoroughly he stepped out and wrapped a towel around his waist, using one to dry his hair enough to restyle it. Stepping out into the bedroom after getting dressed, Eric stood in front of the mirror to tie his tie. He was suddenly aware of Alan's hand making contact with his ass followed by the other laughing and running off.

"Oi!" Eric said, running after him. "Get back here and take your payback like a man!"

"I have to get to the office to greet the new class!" Alan said,laughing and running out the door after gathering all his stuff.

Eric laughed some and back tracked to the bedroom to finish getting ready, humming some as he dug through the drawer of his bedside table for the bottle of cover up he remembered keeping in there. Sitting on the edge of the bed, Eric dabbed a bit on his wrists to cover the scars, humming a bit as he let it dry. Once he was sure it was dry, Eric pulled his jacket on, grabbed his stuff, and left. Stepping into the office, Eric was immediately told he was to assist on an impromptu collection that came into the dispatch unexpectedly. He took a moment to set his stuff in his office and grabbed his scythe, following the group of reapers assigned to the collection out.

"Sure beats paperwork." Grell said, grinning as she walked out next to him.

"Yeah, but we'll have to do some once we finish the job." Eric said, laughing.

Standing on top of a roof a few moments later, every reaper assigned waited patiently for the time to strike. In unison they all jumped down, collecting the various souls of the victims who were unfortunate enough to have been caught in the explosion. Eric sighed as he looked a young girls record, shaking his head. She'd been in the wrong place at the wrong time and he couldn't help but feel sorry for her. With a final flick of his scythe, the soul was gone in a flash and he moved onto the next victim doing his best to ignore the ache starting in his chest. By some miracle, Eric manages to get through the job without the ache in his chest overwhelming him and exposing his dirty little secret. Returning to the office, Eric makes his way towards the office bathroom to splash his face. Afterwards he reaches into his jacket pocket, pulls the cover up, hides the scars, and returns to business as usual.

Halfway through the work day, Eric spotted his chance to get back at Alan for that morning. He held a finger to his lips to tell the trainees to be silent before he snuck up behind Alan and slapped his ass in return. Alan gave a surprised gasp and blushed when he realized what happened. Anyone who paid enough attention to them knew they'd been locked in an ass slap war for a while. Eric darted down the hallway laughter escaping him as he did so. He was almost out of earshot when he heard Alan yell "Just wait til we get home!"

Sitting down in his office chair, Eric rubbed at the spot where his chest ached the most. It wasn't like the two he suffered the day before, it was a lot more mild and easy to handle, but it still hurt. He closed his eyes and laid his head on his desk, wishing it would hurry up and leave. He sat up when it finally went away, standing up and making his way out of his office. He was tired, but knew he had a scheduled collection coming up soon so he figured coffee would be the best way to raise his energy, even if it was just enough to get him through the collection. He sighed a bit as he stepped into the breakroom, happy to find a fresh pot had been made. He wasn't the only one suffering an energy crash. He pulled down a mug and poured himself some, carrying it back to his office so he could do some paperwork until his next collection. Looking up when William knocked on his door and stepped inside, Eric laid his pen down and sat back.

"What's up bossman?" Eric asked, crossing his arms and tilting his head.

"I'd like you to remind you that while you are at work, you are to remain as professional as possible." William said. "One of the reapers in training did come to me with the report of your little display with Mr. Humphries this afternoon." He added, pushing his glasses up.

"It's a little fun, it's no big deal." Eric said, waving his hand in a dismissive fashion.

"While it may be fun for you two, it can be mistaken for sexual harassment by others who are not aware of what's going on." William told him, staring at him.

"Alright, Alright." Eric said, holding his hands up in defense. He was completely unaware of the fact that no cover up was hiding the scars on his wrists.

"What," William said, turning his eyes to the scars on Eric's wrists. "Are those?" He asked.

Eric glanced to his wrists and pulled his sleeves down. "It's nothing." He said.

"Mr. Slingby, you and I both know very well what those are." William told him in a matter of fact tone. "You have one week to get the official diagnosis from the medical wing, or you will face suspension." He added before turning and walking out.

Eric sighed and ran a hand through his hair, William finding out about the Thorns was not on his agenda for the day.

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