I Love You... (TRIGGERING)

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(⚠️Warning: Suicide Talk and inappropriate word⚠️)

Ian was gone...he was really gone and Mickey couldn't bare it, he missed his kisses, his warmth, his scent, his hugs, his freckles, his eyes, his everything. He missed everything about him...he couldn't understand why he did what he did, Ian's siblings knew and Mickey begged them to tell him but they said no. Mickey was angry that they didn't tell him so he left the Gallagher house and returned to his own. His thoughts got interrupted by the loud ringing noise from the speaker, he had almost forgot that he was in school. "The ceremony for Ian Gallagher will be performed in the auditorium after lunch, ALL students and teachers must attend..thank you." Mickey sighed and put his head down.

He sat with his friends at lunch and all they did was talk about Ian, "did anyone know Ian?" Lexy asked. Everyone shook their heads besides Mickey. "Mick?" He looked up at her, "did you know him?" "Uh yeah...i just saw him around the halls." She nodded then went back to eating. "I'll be back." Mickey got up and walked away, he went inside the school and wandered around the hallway for a bit until he saw Ian's locker. There were stuff written on it, nice things and cards glued to the locker.

For some reason he felt a presence loom over him, he looked behind him but saw nothing and that feeling went away. He grabbed a marker from his pocket and wrote on the locker door 'FAGGOT' he felt the presence again, "Mickey..." he heard someone whisper in his ear, he turned around quickly but saw nothing again..he turned his head to look at what he wrote in shame, "Mickey...I'm sorry." Someone whispered against his neck then he felt something grab him by his waist, he stepped back quickly looking around. "Hello?!" He shouted in the empty hallway, no response like he expected. "Mickey..?" He bit his lip softly, the voice was Gallagher's... "I-Ian..?" No response, "don't be stupid Mickey, he's gone and he's never coming back, your just hearing things." He whispered to himself. He tried to pull himself together and he returned back to his friends.

"Ian Gallagher was an amazing student, straight A's, always on time, he was such a kind person who did anything for his friends. He did have some rough days when he got into fights but he was also a great friend. If you are going through a rough time there are always people to talk to here..." Mickey got up and left, he couldn't stand sitting there and looking at Ian's smiling face on the screen for 30 miserable minutes while people whispered to their friends that he was gay and deserved to die for his sins but there was no sins done. Love is love..when are people going to understand that...

"Mickey..." he turned around, no one.. "Hello?" He called out, "Mickey...I'm sorry." "If someones there this isn't funny!" He yelled. Nothing. He shoved his hands in his pockets and walked down the hall, after a while he found himself at the boy's locker room. He walked inside and went to Ian's locker, he opened it and saw a note. He picked it up he read it, 'meet you in the locker room firecrotch ;) -Mick'

Mickey turned off the shower and stepped out and heard a locker close, he grinned knowing it was his Gallagher.. "Mickey?" "Give me a second." He put on some clothes and walked over to Ian's locker being greeted with a smile. "I missed you." Mickey said grabbing the back of Ian's neck softly. "I missed you too..." Mickey grinned then kissed Ian roughly as Ian wrapped his arms around Mickey's torso. The brunette pinned the taller boy to the locker and kissed down his neck then trailed back up to his lips, they heard the door open then voices getting closer, Mickey pulled away and looked Ian in the eyes, "later." Ian nodded moving away from Mickey.

He crumpled the piece of paper up and shoved it in his pocket slowly closing Ian's locker. "Mick..." The brunette turned his head looking around with his eyes, "is anyone there?" "Turn around..." he turned quickly but no one was there, arms wrapped around his waist and he felt weight on his shoulder like a head was laying there. He felt lips brush against his ear, he couldn't move...he was frozen in place, he didn't want to move, it felt just like his ginger.."Ian?" He mumbled, the grip got tighter, He closed his eyes. He felt a gush of wind on his neck, he grabbed ahold of the hands that weren't actually there but felt as though. "Mickey..." it sounded like his lover was crying. "Please..i'm sorry...please forgive me...if you can hear me please let me in. Let me in Mick so you can see me...just let me in." Mickey didn't know how to let him in, "how..?" There was a moment of silence, "I love you Mickey..." "I-i love you too..." he moved forward and turned around, he saw him. He saw his Gallagher... "I-Ian...?"

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