Prøxy training

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Crystal was playing video games with BEN when Slenderman came down and said, " Crystal yøu need tø meet me in my øffice." Then teleported away. "BEN we will cøntinue this later." Crystal said glaring at BEN. "It's not my fault that you're terrible at Mario Kart!" BEN said smirking. "BITCH I TØLD YØU NØT TØ DØ RAINBØW RØAD!!" Crystal yelled walking up to BEN. "WELL I STILL DID IT ANYWAYS BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME!!" BEN yelled pushing Crystal back. "NØW YØU'RE GØNNA GET IT!!!" Crystal said getting a knife out of nowhere. "WILL YØU TWØ STØP FIGHTING ØVER SØME STUPID VIDEØ GAME!!" Masky yelled clearly annoyed. Crystal and BEN gasp in total shock. "MARIO KART IS NØT STUPID ITS A GREAT GAME!!" Crystal and BEN said in unison. "ALL ØF YØU SHUT UP!!" Slenderman yelled extremely pissed. That made the three of them be quiet. Then Crystal felt Slendy's tendrils wrap around her waist and pull her towards him. "Why are yøur tendrils pulling me tøwards you?" Crystal asked. "I tøld yøu earlier tø meet me in my øffice. Remember?" Slendy said. " Ø-Øh yeah I tøtally førgøt abøut that." Crystal said coughing a little bit.
                       ( In Slenderman's office )
"Crystal I decided tø test yøu when we gø øut killing." Slendy said putting his hands under his chin. "What k-kind ø-øf test is it?" Crystal asked getting a little bit nervous. "It's just a test tø see what will happen tø yøu when yøu døn't have yøur pills før the vøices in yøur head." Slendy said worrying Crystal even more. "Dø yøu have tø?" Crystal said groaning. "Dø yøu want EJ tø see høw løng yøu can last withøut yøur pills før yøur cøughing fits then?" Slendy said getting angry. "Why the fuck wøuld I want him tø dø that again!!?!" Crystal yelled getting pissed off. Then Crystal felt tendrils wrap around her neck and tighten. "Crystal yøu will nøt speak tø me like that!! And because yøu did I'll make bøth øf thøse test happen again!!" Slender said then his tendrils let go of Crystal. " Yøu are dismissed." Crystal went out looking really pissed off. "Crystal wha-?" "SHUT UP!!" Crystal yelled at BEN pushing him away. "Well seems like Slendy and her didn't have good talk." BEN said going back to the living room to play video games.
                        ( A few hours later )
"H-Hey Crystal wan-wanna gø øn a kil-killing spr-spree with me, Hø-Høødie, and Mas-Masky?" Toby asked twitching a little bit. "Sure but just tø førewarn yøu Slendy is døing a test øn me tø see what will happen if I døn't have my pills with me tø støp the vøices in my head... sø I might be a little bit insane. And yøu might hear me say shut up a løt because I'm talking to the vøices." Crystal said looking angry the entire time. "Øk I-I'll tel-tell Mas-Masky & Høødie." Toby said walking over to Masky & Hoodie and telling them what Crystal told him. "Dø yøu guys have a chainsaw that I can use?" Crystal asked hoping they have one. "Yeah we dø." Toby says then he left and came back with a chainsaw and gave it to Crystal. "Dø yøu even knøw høw tø wørk a chainsaw?" Masky asked. "Yes." Crystal said like it was obvious. Crystal looked to her side to see the pill bottle for the voices in her head was still there. "I'm just gønna take øne even thøugh I might get in trøuble." Crystal then took one but EJ came out of nowhere and took it out of her mouth and threw it away then he took the pill bottle. "Nice try Crystal." Then EJ put the pill bottle in his pocket and left. "Well at least yøu tried." Masky said. "Well let's gø nøw!" Crystal said walking off.
While they were walking to a house Crystal kept hearing the voices say things like: ' You're a demon child/ you're a monster!' 'Go and kill yourself!' 'It's your fault that Lazari is getting hurt!!' Crystal fell on her knees holding her head with her hands and crying. "Crystal is it the vøices that are bøthering yøu?" Masky asked kneeling down. "Ye-Yea-Yeah..." Crystal said quietly still crying. "Hey Tøby, Høødie?" Masky said looking at them. "Yeah?" They both said in unison. "Dø yøu guys mind if we wait før the vøices tø støp and før Crystal tø get insane?" Masky asked hoping they wouldn't care. "Nø it's fine." Toby and Hoodie said.
                                ( 7 mins later )
Crystal stopped crying and started laughing quietly then laughing insanely. Her head hurt like hell but she was too insane to even give any fucks. "Are yøu ready tø gø Crystal?" Masky asked helping her get up. "Yeah."
When they got to a house they let Crystal kill the person that was in this house. Then they climbed in the window to see a little girl sleeping. "I feel like playing a little game with her." Crystal said shaking the girl waking her up. When the girl saw Crystal she screamed so Crystal covered her mouth and said, "Hey, hey chill the fuck øut and døn't scream and yøu wøn't get hurt." Crystal said putting her chainsaw down. Then she looked at Masky and Toby and said, " Can yøu twø gø and see if there is anybødy else in this høuse then if there is can yøu kill them?" "Sure." Then they both walked out of the room. "What's yøur name?" Crystal asked. "I-It's Car-Carolina." Carolina said shaking in fear. "Well Carølina we are gøing tø play a little game. It's gøing tø be Hide and Seek but if I find yøu I will KiLl YøU. Sø I wøuld suggest yøu run away NøW." Crystal said starting up her chainsaw. Then Carolina ran away and went into her parents room to see that they were dead so she hid in the closet and closed the door. "I ho-hope I get out alive..." (totally not a reference to Three Days Grace) She said crying silently. Crystal started walking around looking for Carolina and said, "Cøme øut, cøme øut I knøw where yøu are!" Crystal said laughing insanely. "Yøu can't hide frøm me Carølina, I'm the best at this game because I hear yøur fear! The beating of your heart gave you away right from the start!" Crystal said walking into Carolina's parents room. "Maybe yøur inside the cløset?" Crystal said then opened it to find Carolina in there. "FoUnD yOu." Crystal said then she cut Carolina's head off. "I hate children like her." Crystal said angrily walking away.
                                 ( 3 hours later )
"My head is fucking killing me." Crystal said holding her head. "Well we are almøst at the mansiøn." Hoodie said. Once they got to the mansion EJ gave Crystal her pills back and she took one. "Be prepared for the next test." EJ said walking away. "Hey Crystal wanna finish our little match?" BEN said. "Fine but if yøu dø Rainbøw Røad again I'm gøing tø fucking kill yøu." Crystal said glaring at BEN. "Well before I do that what weapon do you have?" BEN asked thinking if he should do Rainbow Road. Crystal went back in her room and got her chainsaw. "Do you even know how to use that?!" BEN asked backing up. ' I bet she doesn't even know how to use that chainsaw.' Jeff thought. Crystal glared at Jeff and said, "Jeff just sø yøu knøw I can read minds and yes I knøw høw tø use this. If yøu døn't believe me then I'll shøw yøu." Crystal said walking over to him. "Try me bitch." Jeff said getting his knife. Then Crystal put her chainsaw on Jeff's neck. "Are yøu sure yøu wanna die, Jeff?" Crystal asked smiling insanely. "Crystal just leave him alone or else Slendy's gonna get mad." BEN said pulling Crystal away from Jeff. "Fine." Crystal said sighing then put her chainsaw away. Then Crystal felt someone tap her and looked down to see Sally. "Øh hi Sally!" Crystal said kneeling down. "Why do you & Jeff always fight?" Sally asked. "It's because Jeff's a bi-." Then BEN covered her mouth and said, " It's because sometimes Jeff can be a little bit too much." BEN said laughing nervously. "That sounds like Jeff!" Sally said laughing a little bit then she walked away. "You can't be cussing in front of Sally or else Slendy is probably gonna choke you." BEN said. "CRYSTAL WHAT WERE YOU GONNA CALL ME??!!" Jeff yelled. "I WAS GØNNA CALL YØU A BITCH!!" Crystal yelled. Then Jeff punches Crystal in the face and that's when they started fighting with their weapons. Then they both felt tendrils wrap around their neck and tighten. "Yøu twø need tø støp fighting! And I'm nøt gøing tø take yøu tø Nurse Ann this time!" Slendy said dropping them. "Well sh-shit we shø-shøuld prøbably støp fighting." Crystal said getting up and putting her chainsaw back in her room. "Well let's play søme Mariø Kart shall we BEN?" Crystal asked. "What do you think?" BEN said.
(2 hours later)
Crystal turned off the game and put the controller up with BEN asking himself why he's so terrible at this game. "Well gøød night BEN." Crystal said laughing at BEN. "Good night Crystal." BEN said going up to his room and Crystal teleported to her room and went to bed. Then Crystal woke up because she heard something fall. When she opened her eyes she saw EJ holding both of her pill bottles. "E-EJ gi-give me m-my pills fø-før the vøices in my he-head back..." Crystal said tiredly getting up. "Your gonna have to get them yourself Crystal." EJ said then he started to run out of her room and into the forest. "Yøu søn øf a bitch!" Crystal yelled getting a knife and teleported to EJ. EJ then kicked Crystal in the stomach making her cough up black blood. Then Crystal got up still coughing and stabbed EJ 2 times before he kicked her away. Crystal managed to get her pills for the voices in her head and climbed up a tree without EJ noticing. " Hi Crystal." EJ said and took her pill bottle stabbed her then ran off again. Then Crystal ran after EJ and tackled him then stabbed him then got both of her pill bottles and teleported back in her room causing her coughing fit to start. "I th-think I'm al-already abøut tø pass øut.." Crystal said weakly she only got a glimpse of Masky before she passed out.

This is how Crystal looks now since she's a proxy and the second picture that I drew is how she looks without her hair covering her eye

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This is how Crystal looks now since she's a proxy and the second picture that I drew is how she looks without her hair covering her eye.

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