Chapter Three

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"Was that really necessary?" Rene shouts at Oris. My eyes scan through the brains sprayed down on the rough-tiled floor. I hadn't seen this coming.

"Necessary, yes it was! And I won't hesitate to do likewise to this idiot." Oris shouts. His breathing is conspicuously uncontrolled. This makes me know that something is at stake. I have never seen him this mad, leave alone holding a gun. He swings the weapon and before I know it, he knocks the man hard on his head. Fuck. Something is not adding up here. All this while I haven't said anything to him.

"Where the hell is Allie? What happened?" I ask calmly, unsure that Oris will even answer me.

"I should be asking from you people. Aren't you your sister's keeper?" I don't like this raging Oris. He looks like a monster ready to devour whatever crosses his path. "Where is she?" He adds, his voice louder.

"Would you stop shouting and tell us something reasonable. You are the one she spoke to last before she ditched her phone and left. Where is she?" I am getting impatient with what is becoming of us. I swear mother wouldn't be proud of us- shit, the thought of her not proud of us burns me from within.

Oris pushes me from his way and takes to the house. When I turn to look at him, I find Elex standing at the door watching us. Elex adores Oris and I can imagine how he's feeling. He is his role model and would do whatever he sees him do. I fear for him but I can't do anything...he is his brother too.
"Calm down big brother!" Elex tells him when they exchange those musculine hugs. Too fast, they do it.
"I love you too." I will never stop being amazed by the way Oris treats Elex. For sure, he's our last born but he's over eighteen, an adult. 

When Oris turns back to look at us, his eyes are deep in colour and his hands shaking. His gaze moves from Rene to me and back to Rene. "Get her out of here!" He tells me. His tone is now controlled.

"Am ain't be taken from here. This is not what we are, and you know it. We aren't supposed to me murderers Oris. We are the children of our mother and...and..." She trails off in a teary scream. For once, I appreciate Oris and Allie for getting us a house  which is a bit off from the neighbors. Otherwise, we'd be hauled in a police car by now.

"But we are also the children of Cornelius the monster. Like father like children." Oris fires back.

"It's not true- we don't have to follow in his steps. We can stand by each other in a more sane way. And by the way, where the fuck did you get the weapon? You can't be walking around with an illegal weapon in your possession. You will be taken in brother."

"I don't care- Allie left me no option. I wasn't planning to use it but was I supposed to just stand and watch him shoot Coy? He's my brother for heaven's sake and...and... remember the oath! I swore to protect him come what may!"

"Oh, and by doing that you just took someone's life. What's the difference between you and father?" Rene throws her hands up.

"Spare that fucking, shitty difference between me and him, to yourself. You are free to stick to whatever opinion you have about me but I will kill again and again for all of you." Hearing Oris say these words sounds so strange in my ears, it makes my stomach grumble. He walks past us and he's about to exit the compound when I call after him.

"And where are you going, leaving us in dillema without even an hint of what brought this up?" My voice is unnaturally calm as if we are not in the middle of a mess.

"To look for the stupid Allie. I will teach her a lesson that she will never forget, that is if she comes through breathing." He responds harshly. This is so Oris.

"Oh! So you will kill our sister, your twin sister? What about the oath?" Rene asks, with a broad sneering face.

Ignoring Rene's question I focus on something more urgent. "And this, plus him?" I point him to the corpse and the man writhing in pain next to us. This is enough evidence to give all of us a lifetime jail.
"Dispose both!" He says as if it isn't a big deal.

"God knows that you are innocent Coy. Stop looking at me in that way, I couldn't let you die in his hands. No innocent blood should be shed. He deserved to die- yes, for pointing a gun at my brother. And Allie, she can't just go on putting us in danger. She is the cause of all this- I will teach her how to be a descent lady- just like you Rene." He adds.

This is the Oris that I know. Him and justice without mercy are one and the same thing. He would do some fucking shit and begin justifying himself for doing it. He blames Allie for almost everything even when she isn't responsible for big brother.

"Am ain't a descent lady- and you will know it soon. Go! Go violate the oath and I will follow your example. I will not hesitate wiping you out of the face of the Earth. I love you brother." Rene? This is a side of her that I have never seen manifest itself. She looks like a rattle snake. She dismisses Oris with an evil smile and I know what that means. You too don't deserve anything better in life.

"Rene!" I call after her but i get no response. She matches to the house and bangs the door after her. Sweet Rene.

"Fuck you all, fuck Allie and her stupid binding oath- fuck Cornelius more for putting us in this fix. I should have known better." Oris curses.

"Unfortunately, we are stuck together as the Forever Siblings for a while." Elex tells Oris. When their gazes lock, a deep exchange occurs and I see Elex take in the anger and and... When he takes the gun from Oris' hand, he does the unimaginable.

"You too deserve to join your friend." What! He blows the brains out of the other guy and for a moment, I think of nothing but screaming. Monsters is what we are becoming.
"Now brother, let's go and find Allie!" Elex tells Oris. "We need her home. She has to tell us what she has done!" He adds.
"That's after I teach her a lesson." Oris adds. They are just walking towards the gate when the semi-closed gate flies open...

Damn it!

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