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Your voice was raw as your brother held you to his chest your father dumping water over the burning hand mark that had been branded into your left leg.
It stung as the skin around it turned red while your blonde big brother held you to his chest while you cried.

But life had not always been this way...

There was once a time when the people of Deltora lived in peace.
But that was a long time ago...

The sound of wood burning echoes through the market place in the city.
It's huge walls hiding it's people, or trapping them...
The wood continued to sizzle before the hot metal brand was removed to show a hand with a eye in the centre.

You subconsciously rub your leg where the same mark had been branded those years ago, you feel your brothers fingers brush against yours as you can almost feel the anger radiating off him.
It made him sick to his stomach to see that symbol in the hands of those grey guards..

"Listen carefully!" The grey guard yells at the top of his voice all the murmuring of the towns folk coming to a stop "from this moment on this orchard belongs to the shadow lord!"

You felt Leif move from your side as he jumped onto a tree you following as your brother kicks down an apple, which a young girl rushes to grab before running to her mothers arms once again.

You glare at the blonde idiot who was meant to be older than you but he just smiles proudly.

Your brother bursts into a triumphant laughter catching the attention of all the towns folk as well as the grey guards while you remained hidden in the trees behind them knowing he'd do something stupid next.

His face was hidden behind his scarf and luckily the sun was behind him causing his natural colour and clothes to fade to darker colours in its harsh light.
It also helped blind the grey guards so bonus!

"Your saying everything branded belongs to the shadow lord" your smart ass big brother asks almost a mocking tone to his voice "well I don't see a brand on that apple" he smirks with a wink.

One day he's gonna kill him self...

"Catch that maggot!" The head guard yells as him and his troops fire their spears.

Leif throws one back but it gets caught in a poor woman's dress as she trips the guard reaching out for her.

Your brother jumps off the roof as you jump from your perch and sprint towards the woman yanking the spear away.

"Thank you!" She gasps before grabbing her daughter and running.

You follow suit as you run past the guard who was now on the floor grabbing your brother by his wrist and dragging him up a courtyard umbrella you both scrabbling at the sound of blisters being fired.

You both jump off as the last blister explodes behind you too.
You look behind you as you pant taking your hood off and glare at the blonde boy as he throws his scarf which keep in mind was now on fire to the floor.

"That was to close" Leif pants.

"You think!?" You whisper yell as you grab his ear causing him to yelp as you both run off.


The sounds of the grey guards tearing apart the two echoed al through the village and you couldn't help the guilt that built in your stomach.

Leif ran ahead checking every corner while you just had to make sure you could keep up with him.

There was no denying Leif's speed or strength while you were far more the brains then the brawn of the team.
You follow him as he motions you over you both hiding against the wall when you hear boots marching toward you.

DELTORA quest ( Reader Insert ) Where stories live. Discover now