Chapter 18

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Our New York trip was fun. The first night, we performed at the District. The second night, we went to see Hamilton on Broadway. During the day, we shopped and romped around in the bed. It was easy to say, I loved my time away with Luci. He made sure we did everything I wanted to do. Granted, the paparazzi could be a little much at times, but it was nice being in New York. All too soon, we were back at home in Cali. I collapsed on the couch with a sigh as Louis set my bag on a bar stool. Most of the stuff we bought in New York stayed in New York, but a few select items, like the bunny lingerie and the Jessica Rabbit dress, followed us home.

"Aren't humans supposed to be more refreshed after a vacation?" Luci joked. I gave him a quick side eye before taking a deep breath.

"That's was not really what I would call a relaxing vacation, but it was fun," I smirked at him. He made his way over to me whilst unbuttoning his shirt. By the time he stood in front of me, his shirt was discarded on the side of the couch. I stood in front of him and quickly turned him so his back was facing me.

"Uh Megan... What are you doing?" He asked as my hands ran along his smooth back. There was nothing. No indicators of his wings ever being there.

"I wanted to see if I could feel your wings under your skin," I explained. He chuckled and turned back to face me.

"You are so weird," he smiled. "There are no indicators. They just come out when I want them to, or if you turn me on," he said as his smile turned into a smirk. His wings emerged and wrapped around me, pulling me closer to him. My arms wrapped around him neck as a smirk made its way to my face. It was crazy how comfortable I was with the fact that Luci was the literal Devil. It was like I was floating on my own little oasis that Luci was holding for me.

Just as his lips were about to touch mine, my phone rang. I sighed and let my hands slide to Luci's chest. After another ring, I fished my phone out of my pocket and checked the caller ID. My eyes widened before I answered it quickly.

"Mom," I said quickly. I heard her exasperated sigh on the other side.

"You're all over the news, Megan," she said simply. I glanced at Luci as his wings disappeared from around me.

"Yeah, I know," I said simply.

"If you're going to date, I need to meet the boy," she said. I resisted the urge to roll me eyes.

"Ma, I'm 23," I deadpanned.

"And I don't care. Traerlo de inmediato," she replied. I sighed to myself before sitting on the couch.

Mama, por favor. Our schedules are very bus-"

"No me importa!" She yelled, cutting me off. "You are still my daughter. I have to meet this boy," she said before she hung up on me. I sighed and set my phone beside me.

"I'm assuming you heard all of that," I said, looking to where Luci was still standing.

"Don't worry. I'm sure I can win her over with my incredible charm," he smirked. I shook my head.

"You don't get it, Luci. What happens after we stop this charade? Win her over and I'll be reminded of it for the rest of my life. Well, what's left of it, I guess," I tried to explain.

"I don't understand," he said, his brow furrowing.

"Mija, what happened to that handsome boy? What happened between you two? What did you do? He broke up with you, didn't he? Extraño a mi yerno," I said, mocking my mother's voice. Luci belly laughed before sitting next to me.

"Son in law?" He asked with a huge grin. I rolled my eyes.

"Win her over and she'll like you better than me. She's never really supported my dream of being an actress. She always told me it was a pipe dream. She wanted me to be a nurse, which is why I didn't even give her the chance to persuade me to do it. I left home as soon as I graduated high school," I explained. Luci sighed and pulled me into his side as he rubbed my arm gently.

"I think you're reading into this way too much. Don't forget, my powers don't work on you, but they work on everyone else. When the time comes, I'll simply get her on neutral with her opinion of me. I'll just be just another passing boyfriend to her," he said.

Another passing boyfriend.

That phrase didn't sit to well with me. It made my stomach churn. Luci wasn't just another passing boyfriend to me. He was so much more than that. And that thought scared me.

I pushed myself out of his grasp and stood quickly. I needed to stop thinking about him like that. He was Lucifer and I was a visionary. One way or another, this relationship was going to end. And I don't think I was ready for it.

"I'm going to go shower," I muttered, walking towards my room.

"Megan," Luci called after me. I hesitated before I stopped. "Keep a light heart. I'm not letting you go that easily," he said. I turned in shock. It was like he read my mind, but that was impossible, right?

"Did you?" I trailed off as I pointed to my head. He held in a chuckle as he stood there with his hands in his pockets.

"No, I still can't read your mind, but I've come to somewhat catch on to you. I can tell when you're annoyed or upset... like you are right now," he answered my unfinished question. I simply nodded, feeling quite timid suddenly. I cast my eyes towards the ground as I blushed. Not being easy to read was my defense against Luci, and now I didn't even have that.

"I guess you've got me figured out," I muttered. Luci walked over to me coolly and stared at me intensely.

"Of course I do. What kind of manners is it to not try to understand the girl you love," he said simply. I felt my eyes widen as I finally looked at him. He took a slow step towards me and I mirrored him by taking a step back.


"I know what I said, and I meant it. I never thought in my entire existence that I would ever say this to a human, but I love you," he said, taking another step and another. My back was pressed against the wall and Luci was still coming closer. His hand rested on the wall behind me as his face came so close that I could feel his cool breath tickle my jawline.

"Louis," I breathed. He sighed and dropped his head slightly before taking a step away from me.

"I get it," he stopped me. I was conflicted. It wasn't that I didn't feel the same way, I was just caught off guard, and there was the looming fact that I was going to die. I pushed myself off of the wall and held Luci's face in my hands as I put my lips on his. After a moment, I took a step back as I watched his face. He looked surprised but happy. I smiled gently.

"I'm ignoring Michael to stay with you. Did you really think I didn't feel the same way? I guess you don't have me figured out after all," I chuckled.

Dolores Fonzi as Megan's Mom, Mia (above)

***Dolores Fonzi as Megan's Mom, Mia (above)

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