Chapter 29- Sometimes you've got to speak up.

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Sophia's POV

"Please, calm down everything will be ok." I swear no one was listening to me.

'Where is Raphael and Genevieve?' I asked myself.

"Excuse me, are you Sophia, Raphael's mate?" An older man about Henry's age asked.

"Yes I am, how may I help you?" I nodded.

"I need you help, you see war has been confirmed and your the new Luna of this pack. We need someone with a straight mind like yours, Milady, to help us choose the best plan of attack." He explained.

"Sure thing, I would be glad to be of some assistance." In other words, I'm glad someone will be willing to listen to me.

I reckon I was on the edge of screaming into insanity... That was before I entered the meeting room...


I thought being in a room with no ones eyes on you was annoying.

Apparently not.

Being in a room full of the packs best fighters and leaders, all adults, all mature and fully developed adults, was even worse...

And what made things harder was the fact I had only been part of this pack for a few hours. Half of them only just met me and they were allowing me to make the final plans for a war that I'm guessing Raphael was trying to avoid.

I sat at the table watching the chaos spin around me as grown men stood up and yelled at each other from across the room.

All I wanted was some silence. All this yelling wasn't good for the violent side of me that I used to have trouble with when I was younger.


I was counting to try and calm myself. I was always told to do this when my frustration or nerves were rising.


It wasn't working.


Deep breaths calm down, relax Sophia. When you relax you can control this easier.


The noise and commotion is still racing around. Argh!

Ok, I can focus... Come on!


Breath. In... Out...

A older guy just got pushed into my chair and my elbow slammed into the corner of the table. I clenched my teeth together feeling the calm half of me begin to sink as the other rose.

It's Ok. It was an accident. Calm down.


My ears were beginning to heat up.


I can do this. Just calm down. Ok, we can do this. I could start to feel my wolf creeping to the surface as the pain in my elbow ached.


I can't do this.

And at that I snapped.

"SILENCE!" My voice shook around the room paralysing all those who could hear it.

I began to feel the power and strength flow within my blood, oh it wish Raph was here so I could share his with him.

I watched every pair of eyes drop to the floor and their heads bowed to me.

"That is enough. This is unacceptable behaviour for the Lone Wolves pack's best fighters and planners. Everyone, we have a war coming and this is not helping us find a secure way of helping our advances. We must work together men, together as a pack." Everyone nodded at me in understanding, finally.

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