For as long as Harlow can remember, she has had intense night terrors that seem all too real involving a mysterious man. After her 18th birthday, she now realizes they might be real.
*Warning* This story contains sexual context, religion and violen...
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My back aches, from sitting on a hard, cold brick all night. Although it is not the most comfortable seat, it is better than the dirty, sketchy ground. I am so confused, listening to the wind whistle through a small window about ten feet above my head. "Hello!" I yell out, in hopes someone will at least come speak to me to tell me what is going on. I wait for a response, but five minutes pass and all i hear is that damn whistling sound. I sigh.
A voice says, echoing through the barred door. I jump up from the brick and run to the bars. "I was just forced in here myself! I don't know where I am at, I need help myself!" I respond. A feminine laugh starts erupting. I step back, now totally freaked out. I place my back against the wall away from the bars and sit back on my brick. The laughing ensues, sounding more and more psychotic. I begin to cry, horrible thoughts filling my head. I look up to see a shadow standing outside of my cell. I stand up, squinting to try and make out who it is through the bright light blinding the barred door.
"𝕮𝖔𝖒𝖊 𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊, 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖌 𝖔𝖓𝖊" The dark shadow says. I hesitantly walk slow towards the barred door. I shouldn't be this brave considering everything that has happened in the last twelve hours. As I get to the bars, a handsome face appears on the shadow. Blonde hair, brown eyes, tall, with a scent that could call to you from miles away. The man was the total polar opposite of Corson. Corson being tall, dark and handsome, this man was tall, bright and enduring. "I bet you have a lot of questions." He says. I nod at the stranger. He comes closer to the bars of the cell, as I back away. "I am Vine, but I am sure you know who I am." He pauses, "and I am sure you know who Corson is now. He is after you. You are a clueless middle man in a vicious deal. But you are here to be protected. For you are a special being here in our world. You see Harlow, you are one of the rare deity's." he says as he grins at me. I don't know whether to believe this bullshit considering this whole time I have been told that Vine is in fact the bag guy I should be staying away from. "But, what is a Deity?" I ask. "A Deity is an immortal goddess. Ever wondered why you smell so good to the demons here in the underworld? You are but a goddess here in hell. Here you have a power over demons, a very genuine power. You are a lot of trouble my dear. It is why Corson wants you in his grip so bad. Your father made a deal a long time ago, but seemed to add in his own exception, that you are to never be harmed, thus placing a power inside of you to seal the deal." He responds. "But why has Corson taken care of me if he is such a bad guy?" I ask, confused as ever. "Because of your power. He is putty and weak in your hands." He says as he begins to open my cell. The cell door slides into the brick, and Vine reaches for my hand. Although I shouldn't be trusting anyone at this point in time, I place my hand into his. We walk down a long hallway and he leads through a massive wooden door. A table for two waits on the balcony. "What is this?" I ask Vine. "A bargain deal if your'e interested my dear." He responds. He sits me down and I become intrigued with what he has to offer me. As I sit down, a man walks out and calls Vine in to speak with him. "If you'll excuse me, business calls." He gets up and takes my hand, and hands me off to a butler that stood by the main door, holding it open for me. Beautiful women approach me the moment we walk in, wearing gold and diamond crested bras and skirts. Long beautiful hair flowing next to their faces. They rush to undress me and place me in a sheer red dress, diamonds and jewels lining the top. As confused as I am, I allow it to happen. They dress my head with a long veil that matches the dress. It trailed about fifteen feet behind me. "This is beautiful but what is this and why are you dressing me in this?" I ask the women. "We are not allowed to respond, thank you." One of the women respond to me, in what sounds like a German accent. They line my cheeks with blush, and place red lipstick on my lips. "Beautiful! You are ready." The woman says again. Grabbing my hand, she pulls me out another wooden door which lead to a huge, open ballroom. Pews lining the left and the right of the room, all the way up to the ten stair podium. Vine steps from behind a pillar on the left side of the podium. "Welcome, to our bargain deal." He holds out his arms. I then realize he is trying to make me his bride. I turn around and try to run back through the door, screaming Corson's name. The door slams shut, and every one else that walked in with me has disappeared. I turn to Vine standing right in front of me. "Corson can't hear you. He is locked away. Have you not listened to anything I have said to you? He is a very bad demon and will harm you." He says approaching me slowly. "Then why are you trying to marry me? If he is the bad guy, why are you forcing me into this!" I yell as I back up against the door. "Because you will make me a very powerful man." Vine responds. "You're a liar, Corson isn't the bad guy here, you are!" I turn around and open the door to make a run for it. I run as fast as I can down a long hallway, not even knowing where I'm going. Vine shifts behind each tall, white pillar, keeping up with me. I begin to slow down, losing my breath. I trip over the long, flowing dress and fall to my knees. Sobbing, and wanting to just be back at home with my grandma and grandpa, my farm, and my best friend. This is one big nightmare that seems to just keep revolving around me and seeming to never end. All that I have been through, leading up to this moment, flashing through my mind. I can feel myself slowly losing it. A voice inside of my head starts yelling at me to get up and keep moving. Corson's voice to be exact. I get up and start running again. I turn down another hallway and see Corson standing at the end. I run as fast as I can towards him, excited to see a familiar face, feeling protected in that moment. I jump into his arms and his arms swallow me in. His smell is so comforting. He looks down at my face, kissing my forehead gently. "let's get you out of here." He says as he picks me up with ease. I've never felt more at home. He takes me outside and rushes me into a vehicle. "let's go to the lodge." He shouts at the driver. The driver then speeds off. "He's going to come after us." Corson says, seemingly worried, watching behind us as we speed away. "He's not going to give up now. We have to think of something." Corson looks at me, "Are you asleep right now?" He asks with worry. "Uhm, I am not sure, I was pulled into my bed, as odd as it sounds." I respond. Corson sits back into his seat with his mouth open as he looks down. "What? What is it?? Corson tell me right now!" I shout at him. "He took your soul. He took your life away" Corson says under his breath. "What does that mean?" I frantically ask. "He took your soul into the underworld, you are now dead in the mortal world. He took your life." Corson responds to me. "I am dead??" I ask as tears stream down my face. "that isn't possible!" "Harlow, yes it is. When a demon pulls you into the underworld, they are taking your soul and collecting it in hell. You are stuck here now. There isn't much we can do." Corson just sits back and allows me to react to the news. My whole world has turned upside down. I cry at the thought of my Grandma finding me lifeless in my bed. My best friend reacting to the news. The whole town talking about how I died, making up their own harsh rumors. How will my family be able to go on with this, scrambling their mind? I am all my grandmother has left. I fear for the worst now, wishing I could go back. Wishing I had never existed and then none of this would be happening. Why me? Why does this have to happen to me? karma is a very real thing, I truly believe, but what have I done to deserve this.............