Valka interracted with Toothless. She grinned as Toothless rubbed his head against her.
"So that's my mom?" Hiccup asked.
"Yeah, Mackenzie said.
Valka stepped back and explained all the other dragons that had been hurt by Drago. She waved her hand in front of a Hobblegrunt who sniffed around before turning a beautiful yellow. Valka picked up Toothless' artificial tail fin.
"Oh man," Hiccup muttered. "She probably thinks that I'm a- Why would I think to say that?"
We all snickered as Hiccup showed off his peg leg. Valka squinted in confusion and simply moved on to ask about Berk. Hiccup scratched Toothless' chin and began recanting how Stoick had reacted. Mackenzie brought a hand to her heart as Valka told him of Berk when he was a baby.
"Woah, that runs in the family," Hiccup said as Valka spoke of seeing Cloudjumper.
"Now we know where it comes from," Astrid commented.
Valka ended sadly. Her eyes betrayed the emotion that she held by keeping away from Hiccup. She led Hiccup to the side as Hiccup asked about her survival.
"Um, what are you doing?" Mackenzie asked suddenly. "Tanya? Were you even paying attention."
Tanya's head was tucked into her saddle bag. "No, but I know the story. I'm just looking for- AHA! I found it!"
Tanya returned triumphantly with a clear glittery bean in her fingers. Mackenzie grinned. She carefully took it and made sure no dragon was around to get sucked into the portal with her. Mackenzie mounted Flare and turned around.
"See you later!" Mackenzie called.
"Drop back in later!" Tanya invited.
Mackenzie gave her a slaute before diving into the portal. The fire closed behind her and they were left with the grassy cliff. Tanya jumped off Natasha and walked along.
"Follow me," She requested.
The gang and Tanya followed Valka and Hiccup as they approached the deepest part of the sanctuary. Valka explained the Bewilderbeast's power and how he made the sanctuary that now inhabbited hundreds of dragons.
"What is that?" Hiccup asked in awe.
"Whatever it is, it's cool," Tuffnut said. "I'm thinking Megladon!"
"Um, no, that's a shark," Tanya said. "That's a mythical shark, that's called a Bewilderbeast."
"There's a shark by that name?" Tuffnut asked in awe.
"We should go find it!" Ruffnut said eagerly.
"Yeah! And we'll call it the Nut Findings," Tuffnut said theatrically.
Ruffnut grinned. "Yeah!"
Tanya rolled her eyes and smacked the two of them. "Just watch."
We all watched as Hiccup looked at the Bewilderbeast in pure awe. He blew a bit of frost onto Hiccup's hair and Valka led him away.
"Where are they going?" Astrid asked.
"To lunch," Tanya said. "Oh! We're about to miss the best part!"
Tanya smiled and pulled out a glass ball. Natasha let out a slow burn and the picture was projected onto the stone wall. They all crowded around the picture and watched as the gang was waiting on the ice floe for Stoick to return.
"So what is this mystery called?" Astrid asked.
"It's called a projector," Tanya said. "It projects a movie."
Everyone nodded and watched as Eret was icing his head. Hiccup laughed as Astrid swooped in, snatching Eret right from his boat. Eret's men shot nets their way, but Stormfly experty turned to avoid them. Ruffnut flew close and grabbed onto Eret.
"Yay! Can he ride with me? Can he? Can he?" Tanya quoted in a lovesick voice.
Everyone snickered and Ruffnut frowned. She threw a punch at Tanya, but Tanya easily dodged and continued to watch the projector. They watched as Astrid made a bargain with him the ended with his dropping into the sea. Hiccup smirked and elbowed Astrid.
"Hey, but I'm saving his butt," Astrid returned.
Astrid watched as Eret screamed and agreed. Stormfly swiftly snatched him back up and Astrid cracked her knuckles unttering the iconic line 'works everytime'. Hiccup grinned and looked at Tanya.
"Where to next?" He asked eagerly.
"It's feeding time," Tanya quoted.
Everyone jumped onto their dragons and sped off through the halls and out to the sea. Snotlout squealed as Jaws let on an extra burst of speed to get out there. Natasha soared over, though Storm and Poison were close on her heels. Tanya grinned and enjoyed the wonderful time she had with the riders.PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!!!
So sorry I didn't get the chapter out yesterday! I was catching up on school and have been quite busy.
IMPORTANT: I'm still going to do my best to get it out on Wednesday, but it may be a Thursday every once in a while.
Sorry again!
Comment if you'd like to be in a chapter!

Future Us?
Fanfiction(@Speedbreak Could you do a HTTYD time travel fanfic where the characters from HTTYD 1 meet their selves from HTTYD2?) This was a comment on my HTTYD One-Shots Volume II and I decided that instead of making it a one-shot that would have been SUPER...