I looked at myself in the mirror one more time before I grabbed my cellphone and keys, then headed out the door.
Another boring day at the same boring high school. Still about 97 days of school left. I've been counting since the first day. Its my junior year but I feel like I've been in this fucking building for 30 years. I mean, I'm only 16, why must I be forced to wake up at 5:00 every morning just to go somewhere that makes me hate life even more than I already do?
I slipped on my helmet before swinging my right leg over the black motorcycle my uncle gave to me, then slowly pulled out of the driveway. I took the back rodes so I could go faster than usual and made it to school earlier than I would have if I'd taken the main road. I parked in one of the spots specifically for motorcycles and swung my leg off. I stood next to my bike as I took the helmet off and set it on the seat.
I flipped my red hair behind me as I looked around the parking lot to see who was all at school. I saw no one that I talked to or hung out with so I pulled my cellphone from my pocket and scrolled through Instagram for a few minutes until I got a text.
"Turn around" it read
I did as it commanded and saw my best friend Carley walking towards me. She smiled and sped up, her black combat boots hitting the ground hard as she walked. She had on a black Panic! At The Disco shirt, dark denim jeans, and a white book bag slung over her shoulder.Her winged eyeliner was perfect, as always, and her brown hair was straightened. Her skin was a beautiful medium dark and her green eyes sparkled.
"Hi." she said simply.
"Hey." I replied.
"What's going on?" she asked looking up at me. She was about 5'3 and I was 5'5.
"Nothing really. Just got here a few minutes ago." I said.
We had little meaningless chats for a few minutes, when I pulled a pack of cigarettes from my pocket, taking one out and placing it between my lips. As I lit it, I inhaled deeply, letting all the smoke and toxins fill me.
"Legacy, you can't smoke on school property" Carley warned
"They don't care. I do it every morning. Look, that kids smoking." I stated, pointing to a boy the next row over standing just outside a group of guys. He, too, was holding a lit cigarette between his first two fingers, randomly putting it to his lips and taking a drag before he blew the smoke into the air.
"Well alright. I wish you would quit though. I did." she shrugged. "But that doesn't mean you smoking in front if me doesn't tempt the hell out of me." she said eyeing the cigarette.
"Sorry. I forgot." I smiled sympathetically.
"Its all good. But who is that guy?" she said referring to the boy who was smoking.
"I don't know. Maybe he's new. I've never talked to him." I said taking another drag.
I looked over at him and he was already looking at me. His eyes met mine. I'd definitely never seen him around here. He had on a black Nirvana shirt and dark jeans. His hair was curly, a dirty blonde color.
"He's cute." Carley said.
"Yeah he is." I agreed smiling.
He smiled in return, then took another drag before dropping his cigarette to the ground and stepping on it.
I looked back at Carley who was staring at me. Shed clearly been talking while I was gawking at him.
"What?" I asked
She sighed "I said you should go talk to him. You're already staring at each other like idiots."
"I'm sorry! He's cute!" I defended.
Before she could reply, the bell rang. We both groaned and began walking towards the school, making small talk along the way.
"I said something about Mayday Parade yesterday and everyone was like 'whos that?' I listen to them enough, I feel like my family should know who they are." She said.
I was getting ready to reply when someone behind us yelled "Carley!"
We both turned around to see her boyfriend, Luke walking towards us. He was followed by a pack of three other guys, including the mystery boy.
"Hey, babe." she said as their lips met.
"I'm so alone." I laughed.
"I'll love you." Mikey nudged my arm as he laughed.
"Thanks Michael." I laughed
"I hope you're joking. 'Cause we all know that Legacy's mine." Calum said trying to look serious.
"Psh. Yeah right, Cal." Carley said "She's too punk rock for you."
We all laughed
"Hey, I'm having a party tonight, and you're all coming." Luke said as he grabbed Carley's hand.
"Alright. I'll be there." Mikey said "Considering we live with you except the girls." he laughed.
We all went our separate ways to go to our lockers, then I met Mikey, Cal, and the new guy in 1st period.
I sat next to Mikey while Calum and the new guy sat at the table behind us. I'd became very close with the boys since they'd moved here at the end of summer from Australia.
"So, how's the wonderful mind of Legacy working today?" Calum asked.
I turned in my seat to answer "All I've been thinking about is music and I've been wondering why I'm in this hell hole." I sighed.
"Yeah same." Mikey said "You look really nice by the way."
I smiled. "Thanks, Mikey."
"No problem, babe." he smiled back.
"Okay, class, you should be getting started on the assignment on the board." Mr.Miller said as he entered the room.
I turned around and unzipped my book bag to retrieve a piece of notebook paper and began writing down the problem.
"We're gonna catch stuff on fire today." he said clapping his hands together.
"Yes!" Mikey, Cal, and I all said in unison and the new guy laughed.
"Oh and we have a new student joining us today." Miller said "Ashton? Ashton Irwin?"
"That's me." the new guy said.
"Ah, yes. I see you've taken the empty seat next to Mr.Hood so he will be your lab partner. He can help you with anything you need help with."
Ashton nodded in thanks and we got started.
"Legacy." Mr.Miller called.
I looked up at him.
"You need to pull your sleeves back so they don't get caught on fire. We all know how Mr. Clifford can be."
Ashton and Cal laughed and Mikey scoffed in offence while a huge wave of panic rushed over me.
"Okay, sir. Thanks for the warning." I smiled. He walked away.
I pulled my sleeve up and my cuts where visible. I felt all their eyes bringing into my wrist.
"What are those from?" Cal asked.
"Oh, Hades scratched me." I said referring to my cat.

High School Punks
FanfictionShe's just a high school punk with a broken heart and a slit wrist. He's just a high school punk with a bad past and a slit wrist.