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The demigods assembled the next morning at the table in the main hall. No amount of talking could rid  us of the feeling that today would change everything. Our ship was at the base of Mt. Pelion, and I could almost feel the pull towards the mountain, something dark and immense stirring inside it. The day before, we had sent Hazel on her mount to quickly scout the mountain, and they had a battle plan of the mountain laid out in front of us. There were two corridors leading presumably into Pelion, both of which were heavily guarded, and this was basically all the information we had. We were going into this battle outnumbered, overpowered, and completely blind, with no idea as to what lay ahead. We all knew it.The only advantage we had was the element of surprise, which would not have for long. The only semblance of a plan we had so far was getting Piper into wherever Gaea was, and assuming that the prophecy was right, and she could charmspeak Gaea into resting another hundred thousand centuries. 

"Annabeth, Frank, Hazel, and I will take the south tunnel. Hazel, you're on Arion, Frank, take whatever from you feel best in to get into the mountain. Annabeth and I will be on Blackjack and Porkpie."

"Jason, Piper, Leo, Calypso. Take the east corridor, I want Jason and Piper on Tempest. Leo, Calypso, on Guido. Calypso, you drive Guido, and Jason, obviously, will reign Tempest."

I knew this was the only way. I would never ask Jason to leave behind Piper, Gods know Leo would never leave behind Calypso, Frank is prepared to die for Hazel. And there is no way in Hades I was ever leaving Annabeth behind. Ever. Again. 

Blackjack, and his two buddies Guido and Porkpie stood wait on the deck of the boat, prancing nervously. I hated to put any of their lives in danger, but going in on foot would be too dangerous, and the Gods had sealed off Olympus. I hadn't contacted Poseidon in weeks. They knew Gaea was soon to rise, and they were hunkering in instead of fighting her back. This filled me with a surge of anger. If we didn't stop Gaea, that would buy them a few days, while she busied herself with destroying, oh, just all of humanity before coming after them. They were shut off, and we were on our own. 

"Ready?" I asked.

"Lets go." Annabeth said, slipping her hand into mine. I watched as my best friends, my family, all stood up. We were a team, and we would fight together until the end. Which was potentially very near.

We walked out onto the deck, and I slipped my armor on, confidently clicking riptide open. Annabeth slipped her drakon's bone sword into her sheath, and a golden flash caught my gaze as Jason unveiled his imperial blade. We were ready as we would ever be. 

"We meet back here at the end of the day." I stated, ignoring the obvious possibility. "No one gets left behind." I swung onto Blackjack. You ready boss? ...

You bet.

I nodded at Annabeth, and we took to the air, Calypso and Leo following behind us. The opposite way, a storm funnel was forming in the cloudless sky, blocking out the sun, and Hazel raced across the water on Arion, a huge golden eagle soaring overhead her.

Mount Pelion came into view, and I felt Blackjack tense up beneath me. Its okay. I assured him, even though it wasn't. I could not picture my life if any single one of our friends didn't make it through, and that was a very real possibility. Annabeth hovered next to me, and I signaled to Leo to begin. We watched as a blast of churning flame shot directly towards the small pile of stones that covered the entrance to the south tunnel. Rocks blasted away, and I shot forward, Riptide upright in one hand. Annabeth unsheathed the drakon bone sword, and Calypso unstrapped her crossbow, holding it locked and ready. 

Three emposai spilled out of the smoldering rocks, looking up at the sky in confusion, the split second before they all fell, poison-tipped arrows embedded in their chests. The farther down we flew, the more I could see the corridor open, and we surged ahead at full speed into the thirty foot tall, seemingly endless tunnel. I felt my ears pop as we raced ahead deep into the mountain, sensing the swooping dark form of Annabeth behind me, together cutting down ranks of Empousai, harpies, and lycanthorpes that were spilling out into the main corridor to see what the commotion was.

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I could hear and feel nothing, pure adrenaline as I raced through, seeing only the tunnel ahead of me, blocking out the screeches and roars coming from behind us. The end of the corridor was coming up quickly ahead of me, and Blackjack quickly reversed his wings. We swirled around, my sword ready, to see an even longer tunnel, smaller then the one behind us. Behind us! I desperately squinted into the chaos that was the corridor, trying to locate Annabeth. She was right behind me! 

"Take that, you fat ugly seal!" I heard, and found Annabeth slicing clean through a Telkhine, just 20 feet in front of me. "Annie!" I yelled, and she turned to look at me. "Almost there," She said, gritting her teeth and urging the pegasus forward. Then backward, just as quickly, when an immense form emerged from the opening in between us, facing Annabeth. 

It was a drakon. And not just any drakon. It was the Maeonian Drakon, the one that the giant Damesen was cursed to slay every day in Tartaraus. How did it get here? Flame poured out of it's body, and I could tell it had spotted Annabeth's sword, the gift from Damesen, the bone from the very same drakon. It tensed up to pounce, and my vision tunneled. All I could see was her face, caked with sweat and blood, but fierce and beautiful. I heard screams as Calypo's arrows found their marks, and flames engulfed the swarming mass of monsters. I froze, but Blackjack did not. He reared under me, then surged forward, leaving me on the ground behind him. A surge of green flame barreled towards Annabeth, and she mouthed one word to me. Go. I scrambled to my feet, and began to run down the second hallway, looking back only for a second to see a magnificent black horse, powerful wings stretched wide, gaze fierce as the mass of flame hit him squarely in the chest, blowing him backwards. 

My feet kept going on their own, my mind numb, as I sprinted down the strangely empty tunnel. I had no clue where I was going, but that was the whole plan. There wasn't one. I ran past door after door, when something, suddenly, made me stop. I could feel a weight in my heart, in my bones, a force of something darker then anything I had ever felt before. It was like I was back in Tartaurus, except a hundred times stronger. I ran for the end of the tunnel, my heart pounding, my feet being pulled towards the door at the end. I slowed towards the end, and reached my arms out to push through another door, my body moving on its own. I felt another, equally strong force, inside of me, and in that moment I heard my fathers voice in my head for the first time in weeks. 

The door to the left, Percy.

I swung through the door, quickly cutting through the bodies of four surprised tree nymphs, pausing only briefly to think of the friendly nymphs who had saved my life just a few short days ago. Keep going, Percy. This is the last door. I turned automatically, and pushed it open, slipping silently behind the doorframe to see a massive room. This was it.

In front of me faced the back of a massive ebony throne, and I shuddered, involuntarily remembering my final battle with Kronos. Underneath my feet lay a metal net of imperial gold, and beneath that, there was darkness as far as I could see. Suddenly, I heard a sharp intake of breath, and looked up. 

A beautiful, soft, laugh echoed around the giant atrium. "Piper... Mclean." A slow, tired, voice said, seemingly everywhere, but the source nowhere to be found. There, up in the corner. A green glow slowly flitted around, then disappeared. I looked around bewildered, and saw none other than Piper, in the doorway of the opposite corridor, doing the same. 

"I have waited.... an eternity for you... to come, my dear." The soft voice cooed with long, tired, pauses, filling my ears, as the green mist changed form again. "Of course, you were always.... the weakest, my demigodess. Nothing but a pretty face." Piper's face turned into one of outrage, then confusion, as the form appeared again in the center of the room, swirling slowly. "But your blood, combined with the blood of Perseus, will be strong enough to fully wake me." I froze.

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Oct 21, 2015 ⏰

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I hope you don’t feel like I’m pressuring you, that is not my intent

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