VOL.3 The bees and the birds.

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[Author's note]

A quick thing before this week's chapter, I won't take away much of your time.

As I mentioned on my wall here on Wattpad, I am currently working on getting physical copies of my books into stores, however, this will result for one long time them only being available in one store in the Netherlands. However, I understand some of you might be interrested in getting physical copies and not live in the same country as I do or even live close by enough to visit that one store.

So, if there is interrest in getting physical copies of my books, please let me know as a comment on this author's note that you would, I will soon, if the desire is there, add new tiers to my Patreon and offer sales of physical copies as well, these will be more expensive than the ebooks, for obvious reasons, and will include part of the shipping fee to wherever you might live. But if you have an interrest in purchasing my books in physical form, let me know and I'll accomodate that.

Roll for initative...

It was late the next moring that Aelanna finally returned to their mansion in the Eastern Cardinal, Pharana hanging drunkenly off her arm.

"Eh, Kanrish, wake up!" She called loudly after setting her wife down on the sofa where she simply fell onto her side, immediately snoring off her drunken state. "Huh?" Kanrish muttered, still so much asleep he didn't even actually register the shout.

His head lay on Lyya's thighs where she had simply lain down on her side, keeping her legs in a similar position to when Kanrish had fallen asleep, head in her lap. "What's going on Aelanna?" Lyya asked as she stirred from the rough shaking Aelanna did to try and wake Kanrish.

"There's someone who wishes to reward your dumbass husband for killing a Demonlord." Aelanna replied and Lyya sat upright again, returning to her position she had been in when Kanrish fell asleep the night before.

As Lyya let her gaze wander through the room, she noticed most of the dryad staff was already gone, probably back to work and cleaning up the remains of their party the night before. Only Alcea and Lilium still lay in the living room.

Alcea still lay sleeping with Emiko in her arms, and Lillium had apparently fallen asleep in a chair off in the corner, her face completely red from the alcohol.

Ayame and Hapii lay sleeping in a small huddle on one of the sofas and Akane had rolled up into a small ball on the other. Misuki was no-where to be seen though and now, the fourth, and only remaining sofa in the room, was claimed by Pharana who had fallen asleep with a similar drunken blush on her face as most of them had.

"Sweetie get up already..." Lyya said softly, her breath brushing past his elongated, elven ear. "Sweetie..." She repeated herself, stretching the word as much as she could, but still Kanrish did not wake, instead his drunken snoring continued relentlessly.

"Did he consider using that spell on himself last night... since he is flushed red from booze." Aelanna asked and Lyya looked up, realization striking in her eyes. "I think he forgot after demanding Ayame and Hapii only drink while under effect of it. Oh, boy... he'll feel horrible when he wakes up." Lyya said, recalling what her uncle had told him when he had a simple tankard of mead in the Crossing Gates all that time ago. Kanrish had been extremely wasted from a single tankard and his hangover the next day was horrendous.

When he still did not stir, Lyya simply gave a sharp pinch in her husband's ear's tip with her nails, almost sending him into the ceiling above them.

"Lyya! What was that good for?" He asked, rubbing both the sleep from his eyes, his sore ear and his temples. "We have a guest, a rather important on, although she seems to have passed out on the sofa." Said Lyya as she looked at Pharana sleeping on the sofa, her legs simply angled over the seating and feet almost on the floor. Her dress was all crumpled and disheveled, probably from an entire night of celebrating the death of a major threat to the world.

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