Episode 2 - The Runaway

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Unscripted Version for Yasmin Kahn: Before The Doctor - Episode 2: The Runaway

Yasmin wandered the cold streets of Sheffield, trying to find somewhere she could rest after a long day. She reached a stop at the Sheffield train station. Yasmin was scared and alone in a dark and wet night. She walked with her backpack on her back and her big jumper with a pastel blue coat over the top.
"I guess this is it." She placed her backpack down on the floor, reaching into her bag and pulling out a pillow and blanket and carefully putting them down in an arranged fashion and making herself comfortable. She pulled out her phone and saw several notifications from her sister Sonya and mother Najia. She turned her phone off and carelessly threw it back into her bag.
"Yasmin? What the hell are you doing here!" Her old schoolfriend Simone said laughing.
"Just leave me alone Simone. It's none of your business what I'm doing here." Yasmin said sounding fed up and like she couldn't care.
"That is well weird. You gone homeless or something? Have your family ditched you because they don't want a son? I don't blame them." She said laughing.
"No! And I'm not a boy! I just want to be a police officer when I'm older. Why is that so bad? It's not just boys that can be police officers." Yamsin said, arguing with Simone.
"Whatever. But that is so pathetic." she pulled out her phone to take a photo of Yasmin.
"Hey stop it Simone!" She covered her face with her blanket.
"Simone! Come on now, our trains arriving soon." Shouted Simone's mum over to where Yasmin and Simone were.

The train station was cold, damp and wet from all the rain that had been walked in by the train passengers. Yaz's phone began ringing.


She resisted from picking up her phoena nd answering it. She waited a few moments.


Yaz pulled out her phone and checked who it was. It was her mum, Najia. She turned it on silent and pushed it back down into her bag. She rested with the blanket wrapped around her and her head lying onto her pillow. She her bag as Comfort and began to cry herself to sleep.

Yaz was awoken by the sound of a man speaking to her. She looked up and saw a neat and formally dressed police officer with a police hat on and a belt with handcuffs and a radio attached.
"Yasmin? Is that you?" Aksed the police officer. Yasmin began to open her eyes and notice who it was. She jumped up quickly and pushed her bag and blanket up ato sit upa dn looked at the police officer, worried and anxious.
"Officer. Yes it is me, Yasmin."
"What are you doing sleeping in the train station? You're not homeless are you?" He asked calm and gently.
"No. I have a family and live with them. I have no idea what I'm doing, I had a bad day with my friends being mean to me and I just felt stressed and alone. I ran away from my home and slept here the night. I don't really know what I'm doing here." Hse said, standing up and straightening her clothes a bit to look more presentable and she looked at the officer, with guilt and embarrasment in her face and packed away her pillow and blanket.
"We've had calls at the police station about you. Your family ahve been very worried and looking for you. I was just on my morning shift down here at the train station. Well I 'spose we 'ought to get you home. Come on." He said, patting her own the back and leading her with him towards the train station exit. She walked out of the station and looked around, she saw it was early in the morning, still cold and damp with the sun only just coming out and the slightest of light. The police officer used his radio to speak to another officer.
"Hello Constable Brian, are you receiving?"
"Loud and clear Constable Dean." Came the police officers radio.
"I've found the girl, all safe and sound. Reporting her back to the station immediately, over." Yaz began to feel guilt for her family and like she was stupid for running away. She looked down at the floor whilst walking and saddened her eyes.
"Have you filled out the form Yasmin?" Asked the officer. "The apprenticeship."
Yaz pulled it out from her bag and handed it to the officer.
"Just need to get my parents to sign it." Yaz felt better being reminded of the apprenticeship.
"I can see it Yaz. You'll do big things in the future. There's a place down in Cardiff always onto big things. Torchwood 3 I think. Top secret confidential investigations going on there. Captain Jack Harkness, Gwenn Cooper, Ianto Jones are some of the big names. And Torchwood 1 down in London. They helped investigate the battle of Canary Wharf."
"Sounds a but risky and dangerous. All the top secret investigations. But thats the stuff I'm into. Changing the world and helping others get a brighter future." Yas said optimistically.
"That's the spirit! And you can't do any of those things in a Sheffield train station!" Joked the officer. Yaz chuckled a bit.

They reached the police station where Yaz opened the door and stepped inside, he mother and father ran over to give her a hug with Sonya running over as well.
"There we go Mr and Mrs Khan, one safe and sound daughter." Said the police officer. Yaz's mum began crying in relief of having her daughter back safe.
"Don't you ever run off like that again. Your father and I were worried sick. We were so worried about you!"
Yasmin continued hugging her parents whilst Sonya stood at the side smiling subtly.
"Why did you run away Yaz?" Asked Sonya, confused.
"I didn't have a good day at the career's fair yesterday, my friends were mean and made fun of me for wanting to be a police officer. I got home and was upset, without think I packed and ran away to spend the night on the streets because I thought it was where I belong." Yaz explained.
"Oh Yasmin. Why on earth would you think that?" said Hakim, "You're a wonderful girl who wants to change the world and make a difference. There's nothing to be ashamed of there." Hakim patted Yasmin on the back and smiled.

They were on there way back home with Yasmin and Sonya in the back of the car, Yasmin on her phone and Sonya drawing in a notebook.
"It said on the news, four years ago today the ATMOS devices took over all the car engines and GPS navigations around the world. I think I remember it happening." Yasmin said aloud in the small and comfortable car.
"Yes Yasmin. You're right. All the smoke and carbon gases were coming out of our family car. We couldn't stop it, scared for our lives. Had no idea what was happening." Answered Hakim to Yasmin. The four of them sat, relaxing and all calm in the car again after a busy and eventful two days. The radio got louder and the car went off into the distance. Yasmin Kahn, safe and sound.

Yasmin Kahn: Before The Doctor - Episode 2Where stories live. Discover now