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The sanitary smell accompanied with a faint smell of lavender filled the air. This place again, hospital. Looking at my mom from afar, she seems busy listening to the doctor's chatter and judging from her eyes, I'm pretty sure my health is getting better. After adjusting the position of my seat, I decide to stand up and drag myself to her direction. As her soft gaze lands on me, her brows raised, probably questioning why I can't sit still.

"Can I get inside the car first?"

"No, Hyeju, we've finished talking." She nods to the doctor once. "Thank you so much, doc."

I look at him too and bow a bit in respect, earning a smile from him.

All the way home, my mind is completely empty. I want to think about something but nothing passes through it and the fact that my phone died doesn't help at all. I glance at my mom whose eyes focusing on the road. "What did the doctor say, mom?"

"Hm? You're getting better each day."

"Great. Thank god."

"You know your final year exams are next week, right?" She looks at me from the corner of her eye.

"Ah...thanks for reminding me, mom," I reply sarcastically. It's really stressing me out whenever I hear the word 'exam'.

Once the car stops in front of the house, I grab several grocery bags while my other hand pulls the door handle before pushing it open.

"Give me one of those, Hyeju," my mom says.

"No, it's okay. These aren't heavy at all anyway." I smile, slipping out of the car. It's just that I've burdened her too much and as a grown up woman, I need to stop. Heck, I honestly think I've burdened everyone I know.

After getting inside, I place the grocery bags on the table and tie my hair into a low ponytail, heading upstairs just to continue my study again. However, I stop in my tracks as there's a knocking sound on the door. I whirl around and my mom is already there, standing by the door and about to open it. Shrugging, I decide to continue going upstairs.

"Good afternoon."

That voice.

For the second time, I stop in my tracks again and immediately turn to that voice's direction.

Why is he here?

I've been trying to forget what happened last night and now he decided to appear right in front of my house, facing my mom? Park Sungjin, you're unbelievable.

"Afternoon. May I know who are you?"

"He's my teacher!" Those words slip out of my mouth just like that, causing both of them to turn their attention to me. Who wouldn't panic? "I mean, he used to be my teacher and I always had extra classes with him," I divulge, slowly making my way to them when my eyes travel down to see what he's holding; my power bank. I left my stuff, again...? Right, It probably fell out when I was rummaging my purse. I seriously can't with my dumb self.

"Used to be your teacher?"

I nod. I was wondering why couldn't he just text me but then it hit me, my phone died already.

"She's correct. I come here to give back the powerbank she left," he says, eyes glimmering a bit.

"You should teach her again! Her final year exams are next week." That's what my mom said and I absolutely have no idea what to feel about that.

"No, I'm currently—"

"I think it's because of you, Hyeju's grades are getting better now," she cuts.

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