If you give an angel a whip (KIU)

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Pit flapped his tiny wings to get some extra hight from the thick tree branch he was standing on. He had been trying for the last hour to grab onto a cloud and he had finally found one! Below him Wild link was teaching Toon link the difference between mushrooms and how to pick them apart, the inklings were playing gooey tag with ness,lucas and the koopalings with the store rooms supply of gooey bombs.

Pits foot slipped and fell from the tree,right on top of Simon,who had conveniently decided to polish his famous whip outside today.

"Sorry Simon! My foot slipped" he rubbed the back of his mouse brown hair,trying to rub out the wound. Simon mearly shook it off and continued cleaning the blessed object.

"Its nothing,Icarus,you weight almost nothing,perhaps I should give you my diet? Your practially a walking skeleton" the hunter said with a small smile on his face.

"I'm not that much of a light weight! Anyways! Can I see your whip for a moment? Please?" He asked,watching the sky, Simon gave him a strange look of confusion.

"I do not recall you ever being able to use a whip and chain but treat her gently, she still needs her shining" Simon handed the weapon to his old friend and watched as he climbed the tree again, Pit used his final recovery and shot up into the air. The Angel sent the whip flying twords a rather low drifting cloud.

"Ah,Pit? My young friend? You do know that clouds are-" the whip curled around the small cloud and fell with the angel. Oh yeah,Pit had used his final recovery and Simon knew that if he hit the ground from that hight that it would surely hurt. So being the good friend that he was the vampire hunter swung himself up through the thick branches and caught the falling Angel before he hit the ground.

"Thanks Simon! Your the best!" They hit the ground with a light thud and the taller man placed the blue eyed boy down.

"Young Icarus,would you mind explaining," Simon waved his hand at the oddity that Pit had caused.

"I will! Hey Lady Palutena! Can you hear me?" Pit yelled to his goddess.

'What is it Pit? Did you get your wings stuck in the doors again?'

"H-hey! You promised you wouldn't bring that up! Anyways can you send me a longgggggg rope? Please?" He asked the air,a few moments later a long rope appeared right in front of him "thanks lady Plautena!" Handed Simon his whip back and climbed the tree again,he then somehow managed to warp the rope around the cloud and tie it too the large tree,it was very ood to say the least.

It ended up catching just about everyones attention, especially the younger kids mainly the inklings, who looked up at it and immedently started throwing ink at the cloud.

"Hey! I was going to sleep on that! Shoo!" The angle chased the smaller smashers away with a flurry of feathers poised for fierce tickling. "Ah geez, now the bottom looks like bad finger art" he scanned the field of running kids with pouting lips, now where was he? Ah! Pit could see a large spout if water shoot up into the air, Squirtle, just the pokemon he needed!

Jogging up the small tortus and its traniner he asked politely if he could use Squirtle to clean his cloud.
Pokemon trainer looked at him confused.

"Clean your cloud? Pit,you didn't fall out of the tree again trying to fly,did you?" His wings shot up.

"You promised you wouldn't bring that up!"

"Remind me never to show you another pokedex entry again"

"Well if bacon-"


"Yeah, thats what I said,Bacon" the trainer looked extreamly offended and placed both hands on the angles shoulder.

"Be-gon, like Begon thot, not bacon as in the food"

"Keh" trainer sighed.

"Just bring him right back"

The small turtle jumped on Pits back as he walked them to the tree with a salute to the trainer Pit rubbed gently under Squirtle's chin.

"Thanks for helping me,I really didn't want to wait for it to rain," holding the turtle up and facing the colorful cloud "id like for you to use water gun until the cloud starts raining, please"

"Squir Squir!" A rather powerful blast of water shot out from its mouth,drenching the cloud until it become full and gray.

"Ivysor!" The large plant dinosaur had followed them and was enjoying the rain the cloud was bringing

"By the gods he scared me!" Pit nearly jumped out of his feathers, the color quickly fell from the cloud as the rain slowly stopped. Climbing the tree again Pit belly flopped into the cloud and wiggled in happiness.

So soft and warm,the sun had warmed up the over side of the cloud and the fluffyness made it all the more better! He never wanted to get up! A small shadow clouded Pits face from the warm sun, cracking a blue eye open he held his arms out.


Kirby had came up to visit him, now he had someone to enjoy the sun beams with, Kirby released a puff of air and landed in the angles out stretched arms.

"Come to enjoy the sun beams?"


"I agree" the two stayed up in the small cloud,napping the day away until their stomachs demanded they find something to eat.

A/N i just really love him

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