Chapter Seven - The First Night Of The Tour.

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I found Matt on his laptop on the bus and managed to worm some sleeping tablets out of him, and then I went to bed after I had told him my 'waking up screaming' situation.

Apparently Adam had told him my situation with Jay and Tommy.

Matt also mentioned that he had hired out a local recording studio, which I would be dropped off at in the morning as he headed to an interview with the boys at a local radio station.

He also let me sleep through sound check which I am beyond grateful for.

I hate sound checks, I generally didn't understand their purpose, they were a waste of time, especially for a solo artist like myself.

You have to perform to a crowd-less venue whilst the tech guy checks that the speakers are on the correct setting.

Can I just point out that we use the same speakers for every concert and basically the same settings, so as I said, waste of time.

Not only that but I use a loop pedal and an acoustic guitar, so there's not much sound checking needed seeing as it's all an improvised set.

Matt woke me up at seven because I was on in half an hour so I had a shower, got dressed and went to the stage.

I love performing to a live crowd. The energy and enthusiasm they give off is so ... Breathtaking.

Tonight was my first night performing in front of the boys and I felt really nervous, but I had done bigger venues and performed to some really famous people, so I just thought about what I'd do tonight after the show.

Maybe watch Being Human on my laptop curled up with a hot chocolate, or maybe plan what songs I wanted to record tomorrow in the studio.

After all I was here for the music.

When I got to the left wing of the stage the tech guys handed my my ear pieces and microphone.

I wired up and grabbed my guitar off the stand that sat to the left of the stage monitors and Ricco.

Ricco was the guy that gave directions to the guy with the light or to the tech guy that control the speakers, so basically he controlled the concert, so if you needed anything for your set, he's the go-to guy.

He was also on tour with us, whereas the other guys here were from the venue so it'd be a different crew everywhere we went.

Ricco was quite a scary guy. He was tall and had huge muscles, oh and I hadn't yet seen him smile.

But who knows he could be a nice guy.

I noticed Ashton and Michael standing in the corner of the room staring at me, both with their arms crossed with furrowed eyebrows.

"Okay, I'm ready!" I patted Ricco on his shoulder, which I instantly regretted.

He just glared at me and nodded.

I take it back, maybe he is actually a guy worth avoiding.

Ashton and Michael were both here and clearly watching the screens for my performance, which made me shudder at the thought of all things that could happen whilst I was on stage.

Why did I feel like this? I don't care what they think, I'm here to make music and perform.

I made my way to the stage to do my thing.

I greeted the crowd by introducing myself and told them a little but about myself and what I did while I set up my loop peddle.

I started with a cover of Ed Sheerans 'give me love' and played 6 of my own songs that had a similar style to Ed's music.

We had so much in common.

Probably because we were best friends and whenever we were in close proximity, we'd take a couple of days out and write together.

I guess everything I know is what he has taught me.

He was the guy I went to for help and advice, but he was also my shoulder to cry on, which I had done more times than if care to admit.

He was truly incredible.

I finished my final song and the crowd clapped and chanted stuff.

They seemed to enjoy my music!

Hands down it is the best feeling in the world when a crowd sings back lyrics and enjoys your music.

I thanked them, said my goodbyes and made my way off stage, where I handed my guitar to Ricco, who was also impatiently waiting for my mic and earpieces.

I then made a bee-line for the snack table, where I went to grab a drink and food, one of the perks of this job ... The food at the end of a concert.

I was so pumped right now, that I didn't notice the boys staring at me from the sofa that sat in front of the stage screens.

"That was one of the best performances I've seen in like ... Forever!" Luke panted.

He then got up and jogged over to me as I turned to face him.

"Thanks! And I don't think so!" What the hell?

"The best performance in forever? Hardly!" I added before I realised I just spoke out loud with a little too much sarcasm in my tone.

"Okay, they're ready for you boys" Ricco called, which caused the boys blankly turn to him.

"I'll see you guys later. Have a good show!" I said softy not thinking they would hear me.

"Are you not gonna watch us April?" Luke asked.

I honestly didn't feel like it. I just wanted to eat, watch a movie and go to bed.

Besides I didn't want to give the impression that I actually liked them.

Did I?

Before I could think about what I was doing, I spoke, instantly regretting my lack of control over my own voice.

"Um ... Sure. Why not!" I said far too enthusiastically.

They all laughed and hit Ashton on the back then headed to the stage leaving Ashton and I alone.

I could tell this was going to be an awkward few minuets.

I began eating the m&ms from the bowl I picked up, trying to give Ashton the impression that I was waiting for him to talk to me.

"So ... Are we still up for going out later?" He asked.

I had completely forgotten!

What was I going to wear!

I needed Danielle and fast.

"Erm ... Yeah! I'd actually completely forgotten! What time are you thinking of going?" I asked secretly hoping it wasn't straight after the concert.

"We were thinking around ten. We were gonna get changed, freshen up at hit the clubs." He started to tap his foot nervously before I remembered he was supposed to be on stage.

"Great! Well you better go play your drums and breaks some girls heart!" I said, with a cheeky wink, encouraging him to go.

"Yeah!" He giggled

"We'll pick you up after the show! See you later April" And with that I was left alone as he ran onstage, where I heard a drum beat begin followed by a chorus of guitars.

I had an hour to find and outfit and get ready.

I need to find Danielle.

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