"Where are we going?"
I am now long gone from the town and heading deeper into a valley area. What are they doing with me? do they know I'm immune?
"We are taking you to the boss. In a world like this it's hard to have fun. Don't ya think?"
Sick ass hole.
"What do you mean fun?"
"the boss his wife died and all his other baby dolls or toys have died. So how does a man have fun in a world like this."
Another one starts talking.
"After the boss is done with you I'm going to ram my dick so far up your ass."
Oh my gosh. That's fucking disgusting. I won't let that happen.
"Fuck you ass hole."
The man to my left then grabs a cloth.
"Oh sweet heart you shouldn't of said that."
I can't fight back so the next thing I know I have a cloth in my mouth and I'm dizzy with my vision almost gone.
I am now lost.
Carls point of view
"Michonne we have to find her"
I was furious. She was innocent. She was my friend. What are they going to do to her?
"I know that's why we are going back go the prison. To get the others because we don't know how strong they are or how many people they got."
---time skip--
I run quickly into the prison with Michonne behind me.
"Dad! daryl! carol! guys Ellie has been taken!"
Everyone in the room stared at me as some others came out if there cell.
Glenn stood then spoke.
"Did you know who they were? what did they look like? how long ago?"
"I'm not to sure but they reminded me of the governors men. One was very short and he was black and had big glasses. One was very tall and white like the rest and two of them were missing a left ear."
I look around at everyone looking for one to speak up with the info I've given.
"Fuck em. That governer and his stupid men. I don't want to panick anybody but Thoes are the men he uses when he has sexual needs."
Daryl has given me enough info to make we wanna punch that guys fucking pace in so far it comes out his ass.
Soon my dad stands up.
"We have to get her. We will take a team of four so others can stay here and watch the prison. It will be me,daryl,glenn,carl. I'd invite you girls but that sick fuck might take you to and we can't risk that.plus Hershel isn't in great condition."
"Thanks rick"
Rick nods at Maggie who now understand why she and the other ladies can't come.
"Let's go!"
--time skip-- we are by the place where we had our run.
"Carl which way did they drive off?"
"Down that alley. Then they turned right."
Daryl drove down the alley and to the right where I said they went. It just led to an old back road.
"I didn't see if they turned or anything but they just went down here."
"Understandable seeing as tho this road hasn't had any turns.
I was now finished with Daryl. I couldn't speak anymore. Or I would end up yelling. When we find them I'm going to kill them. It was now my dad and Daryl.
"Do you think they went back to their main camp base or do you think they took her somewhere different?
"Remember where they took maggie? I think that's where they took her. Back to their camp."
--time skip--
The camp is just in our view. We parked three minutes away and we are at the tree line watching the guards moves planning how we will get in.
We have made our plan and we will run to where he took Maggie last time. I will be the distraction while Daryl takes Ellie and Glenn and dad kill the dudes.
First off we sneak in through a hole in a back building. It was a brick building. How did that hole get there? oh we'll no time for questions.
I wake up and I'm strapped down to a table still with the freedoms to breath. My legs are in a weird position giving me the ability to move my legs. At least I was comfy. Wait.......WHERE THE FUCK ARE MY CLOTHES....Please tell me I'm still a virgin.
A man with an eye patch walks in with a guy I was with in the car.
"Where am I?"
"Your with me. But that shouldn't matter to you because your mine now."
Excuse me but I am my own person. Stupid. I'm so scared but I gotta be tough. I need the group or someone nice to help me. I Definetly won't have my virginity taken from me.
"Careful boss this one is tough. And she has a potty mouth."
"Fuck you!"
I'm probably gonna regret that. The guy I was with left so one it's just me and patchy.
Thank god I have the ability to close my legs.
"So what is your name?"
"What is yours?"
"Call me governer. Now I answered you so I expect one back."
"Ellie, Ellie McFuck-You."
"So you do have quite the mouth on you. That could come in handy."
He steps closer running his hand up my thigh. I try to squirm a bit but he dosnt stop.
"Hey! don't touch me!"
"You are mine I can do what ever I want. Oh dear your so beautiful."
"Get off!"
He still has his clothes on but he's on top of me now continually rubbing my legs and thrusting upon my lower no no region.
Don't take off your pants..
"What shall we do first? the possibilities are endless."
His face is closer to mine his lips an inch away from mine. And he has one hell of a scary look in his eye.

Lost,damaged but yet not broken
FanfictionThis is a walking dead and the last of us cross over fan fiction. Ellie has lost Joel a while ago when running away from the fireflies and she has been on her own for a while. Until she stumbles across a group..a new hope...WHICH INCLUDES A VERY C...