Irene's pov
" Keep them in the store room and come back fast ......." Jewel Netto my new boss ordered me to keep some stack of papers to store room.
After so many drama and little tricks I made it. I got a job at elite world as an office girl for six months of contract period. It's okay even if it is for six months I am okay. It's not like I am staying forever. I went to keep the paper stacks in store room." Office girl..... " I heard someone calling me. I liked everything about this office but not the way they are addressing me. Office girl , office girl , office girl. I have a beautiful name Irene then why are they calling me an office girl.
" Yes .... " I went to the girl who called me with a fake smile plastered on my face.
" Take some Xerox copy of these. I need them urgently " she ordered
" Okay , but it's Irene, my name is Irene not office girl. " I corrected her in a polite way and went to take the copies
" office girl..."
" Irene.... It's IRENE... " I loose my all control when I heard again as office girl.
" Okay, okay relax Irene. You are new appointment right ? " A girl in her twenties asked me with a gentle smile
" Yes..." I replied
" Hai I am Elina.... From creative team. Recently got promoted from my training life." She said.
" Nice ....."
" So how is your job ? Do you like it ? " She asked
" I just started as far no problem. Feeling bit weird since everything is new for me " I said with a weird smile.
" There is nothing much to get feared. Our office is nothing like any typical office. See here everyone has their own freedom. Do you know why ? "
" I don't know "
" Because this is where we make our creativity into reality. Every idea can be presented without any fear or shame. No work pressure, good atmosphere. " I was hearing everything with a smile.
" But There are only few peoples who you have to know for mandatory and always keep a safe distance. " I was staring at her with my curious eyes because she said it like something creepy
" Have you seen that three doors " she pointed at me towards three glass doors.
" From left to right. First one is our team leader's cabin Jewel Netto, hot head , Short temperd, perfectionist, a time bomb you can find all these in that single lady. But very hard-working. " Okay I understood
" Middle one , Mr Aaron Simon Philip, this company's founder and Director's second son. Back bone of this office. "
" Means " I looked at Elina doubtfully
" Finance and HR head " she replied
" He is not that much dangerous as other two . I mean he is bit understanding and we can talk to each other like a human being. " Elina said.
" Last and final the wild animal of this office
Mr Ryan Simon Philip. " Whenever I hear that name I feel so nervous. I don't know why. Even yesterday also when I heard that name from Evelyn my heart began to race
Ryan Simon Philip." Actually he is not a permanent one. No one can when he comes to office or when he gets disappear. But once he is here he will blow up this office into something else. There is something special about him that projects he keeps his hands they will become huge success and literally those are our mile stones. His ideas will be fresh and mind blowing but what to do he don't like to work for a long time. He likes to travel around the world as much as he want. "
" A weird piece right ? " I laughed at Elina and asked
" There is one more, Robin Seagal , Elite world's legal head. Advocate Robin Seagal. Right now he is not here went to abroad because of some personal reasons. He and Ryan are very good friends from childhood itself. There was one more friend but he is not here anymore " she said with a disappointed face
" Why ? What happened to him ? " I asked with curiosity
" Ryan broke all his ties with Ron, that's his name. A street boy "
" Street boy ? " I looked at Elina with a frowned face and asked. Elina looked around and leaned towards me to say something secret
" Don't tell anyone that I told you about Ron because his topic is bit sensitive here. Our boss Mr Ryan is a very upright person and who holds his principles till his end."
I suddenly scoffed at that comment because that was so sarcastic. If he was an upright person then he shouldn't have cheated on my dad." Did Ron did something wrong ? " I asked
" That we don't know. But Ryan kicked him out from this office as well as from his friends list. Ryan found Ron from a street exhibition. He got attracted towards a collage done by Ron with all his photographs. Ron was a perfect photographer even if it is a random click we will feel like they have life. That talent was what Ryan looking for. Their friendship become so strong and Ryan appointed Ron in elite world as creative team head. Everything was going good until one day Ron went for an office meeting but after few weeks we all heard that Ron was dismissed. After that no one in this office see him or contacted him. " Elina said
" What about his family ? " I asked
" I told you he is a street boy. Actually he is not a complete Indian. Mixed breed Indian mom and his dad is some other race. After his dad's death he came to India with his mother but his mother also died not after so long. No one to support he began to live in streets by taking photos and doing exhibitions. I started my training period when Ron was here. He is really a funny guy who flirts with every girl in this office even with Jewel. Don't know where is he now ? " Elina sighed with a sad face and said
" Elina..... " Jewel was screaming her name and soon after Jewel's sound Elina ran from my side.
Even though these stories have no relevance in my life but somewhere it was disturbing me. I am feeling bad for Ron. Our friends sometimes do mistakes but that doesn't mean that we have to broke our friendship for ever.You can't just cut them off like nothing. What kind of animals he is not even calling him back . He knows that Ron don't have any family other than his friends then why he is so cold blooded towards him ?
While making coffee I met Mr Aaron Philip, he is a sweet guy. He even talked to me and asked my name. He called me cute...
Awwww I am already flat on him.
I know I am fat but everyone only mocked me because of it. This is the first time someone saying that I look cute like this . He even pinched on my chubby cheeks out of curiosity. Now only left is the wild boar
Mr Ryan Simon Philip.When I was arranging the files suddenly I saw two people running, I only saw back of one man who ran at front behind him it was Aron who was running. Soon after Jewel also came out from her cabin talking to someone through phone. She was discussing something with the staffs also. I quickly went to Elina's side and enquired about the matter
" It's a bad news. Mr Simon Philip met with an accident few minutes before. He is now taken to hospital. " Elina replied
" Oh Jesus " I said
" Ryan and Aaron went to meet him. "
" Oh so that was Ryan " I mumbled.
" Jewel.... I am leaving right now. If there is anything I will let you know.. " I saw a girl with a worried face grabbing her jacket and car key from desk. Even Jewel let her go without saying anything.
" Nina .... Whatever it is please let me know okay ? Ryan will be in a bad condition. Take care of him " before that girl was leaving Jewel screamed from back.
" Who is she ? Ryan's sister ? " I asked
" No , that is Nina , Nina Rose. Ace of elite world's creative team. I also work in her team. An ordinary girl , just like us." Elina replied casually
" Then why she is so concerned about Ryan. Even Jewel is not that much nervous. " I asked
" I know what you are thinking now but you don't have to make your brain work hard. Her relation with Ryan is still unknown by us. They are definitely not in any kind of romantic relationship, they are good friends cares for each other. Ryan really likes Nina's work. He often praises her for her works and it's creativity. Nina and I started our training together but due to her talent she got promoted first and Ryan always have a soft corner for her. " Elina said in a bit if envious of tone
" Are you jealous ? " I asked with a witty smile
" Jealous? Who ? Me ? No way . Even if I wanted to I can't yaar. Nina is a very good girl and always helpful for others. She is a sweet girl who never quarrel with anyone for anything. She even supports new interns in their work. Ryan rarely speaks to anyone but Nina is special for him. He don't have any problems in talking with Nina even for hours. That kind of relationship they share weird right ? "
" Very much weird. Between a boy and girl there can be only three types of relationship. One is friendship, Second is love and third is enmity. Other than these three there can't be a special relationship. Let it be why I am bothered about this Nina ? " Elina stood there thinking something and I went back to my work.