Chapter 14

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Savannah woke with a headache the next morning, got out of bed before Chibs, she knew it from her being upset and crying herself to sleep next to Chibs, she had to find her strength, but first she must get out of bed, get some asprin's in her and get Chibs coffee ready. As she stumbled out of bed in a not so good mood she tripped over his boots. She slung them across the room and roared at him about leaving his shit lay around waking him with a moan of not today please not today. He rolled over hoping she'd get past her sharp tongue quickly knowing the kids were here in the next room.

She went got her asprin's and made coffee and was working on making homemade pancakes when Ellie came into the kitchen. She seen her and smiled and gave her a glass of orange juice. Ellie sat down at the table, "Aunt Anna, why do you yell at Uncle Chibs"?

Savannah was now upset that Ellie heard that, but damn, she fell on her face tripping over his monster boots.

Ellie continued, "Mom and Dad fought a lot, it scares me, dad always left and mom always cried. But sometimes they were hugging and kissing, I was always scared dad wouldn't come home"

"Oh my Miss Ellie, no" she turned off the stove and went to sit by her and hug her. "Ellie, sometimes men just piss us women off and we argue, your dad would never leave your mom, he loved her"

"But he did leave for a long time once"

"Not because of a fight with your mom"

"But when he got home they fought a lot" "It just scares me"

"I know baby girl and you are right, maybe I shouldn't yell at Uncle Chibs so much, maybe I need to be a better girlfriend"

"Do you love him"?

"I do sweetheart, I do"

"Do the fairies like it when you are mean to him"?

"No, they don't like it and I should make them more happy and if I quit yelling at him and be a nicer person I'll see more happy times" "Happiness begins with ourselves and I need to start this myself" "God only knows when Chibs will find the breaking point and I can't talk my way out of a sadder time" "Ellie, you know you just woke me up to seeing a better me"

"I love you Aunt Anna"

"I love you too" and she went to finish the pancakes.

Chibs was about to walk into the kitchen but heard that conversation and listened in again. It took a sweet child to make Savannah understand her tongue was so sharp.

He then heard Kenny getting up and back tracked to him and helped him get dressed and go to the kitchen with him.

Savannah was serving pancakes and was in a happy mood. Asprin's kicking in.

She told the kids they were going to visit their grandpa Piney today that her and Chibs had something they must do today. They seemed joyed to see grandpa and it went well taking them there.

She took the kids to Piney's house then back to the clubhouse to get on the bike with Chibs. She had told him there was someplace special she wanted to go today and needed his support.

When she got to the clubhouse no one was around but Chibs, he was laying on his bike waiting on her. She walked over to him giving him a long passionate kiss. She took his cheeks in her hands, "Filip, my Scot, I need to tell you how sorry I am, Ellie made me realize this morning how I am mean to you and how what I say scares her, it scares me too, I can never lose you, I love you, I need you, you are my rock and I am so sorry and will try to be a better person, Filip, I love you"

"Ah my lass" setting up looking at her "You are my angel, my strongest weakness, my love, you are my strength, I love your tongue in many ways and I will never leave you, even if you hit me in the head with my boots, never say your sorry, just love me my lass as I love you"

As he was kissing her a car pulled into the driveway. The ATF bitch Chibs had mentioned. He told Savannah, "Do not talk to her, not a word my lass, do you understand"

She only looked at him as he walked inside to tell the others that she was there.

Savannah walked over and looked at the ATF bitch, "You killed my best friend you bitch, guess you never had one and you have no idea the pain you have caused her family or her children who will now not have their sweet mother in their life, and rest assured each night that you lay your head down, Opie will one day take your life from you" "Do you hear me"?

"And you must be Chibs ole lady, and is that a threat you're giving an ATF agent"?

"Nope, it's a promise" and Savannah went over and sat on Chibs bike as he and the others came out.

Addressing Chibs, "Your little lady here has a very sharp mouth on her, I may need to talk more with her one day"

Chibs just looked over at Savannah, he should have known better than to leave her alone, what has she said.

"I am only here to talk to Clay, so you all have a nice day now" giving Savannah a grin, she would find out much more about her before calling her in.

Clay told Chibs to take Savannah out of here and he then went to talk to the ATF agent.

Chibs walked over to his bike with a look of kill on his face, handed Savannah her helmet and told her to get on in a not so nice way. She did and off they went.

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